Episode 2 - Please Shut Up

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Lloyd groaned as his students tripped and fell from the balancing beam at hearing Wyldfyre's teasing. Sora and Arin got smacked on the hard stone of the training yard, falling one on top of the other.

Wyldfyre snickered. "Look, they even fell on top of each other."

"Mhm," Kai mumbled tiredly from his perch on the edge of the porch, leaning his sleepy head on the column.

"Kai, can you please tell your daughter to shut up?!"

A snort, followed by an obnoxiously rhythmic snore.

Lloyd exhaled sharply as he stomped over to the older man and slapped him awake. "Get your stupid butt up tell Wyldfyre to keep quiet!"

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Kai asked, groggily massaging his burning cheek.

"She's your ward," Lloyd replied almost quizzically. "I placed her responsibility in your hands, and you act like I didn't even say anything about it!

"You're an adult, and most of all a master like me," he continued. "You're supposed to be responsible!"

"I know, I know!" Kai said. "I just--" and a lingering yawn escaped his mouth, "-- had a late night doing skincare."

Lloyd stared at his brother-at-heart like he witnessed the crazy moments of a madman, while Sora and Arin helped each other up and dusted their clothes. Wyldfyre ignored the reprimanding conversation between her Senseis, watching the two best friends with a mischievous air and taking note of their every move.

"Have you been using Nya's products?" Lloyd rubbed the bridge of his nose after pausing to steel himself. "She gonna be pretty pissed when she comes home with nothing to clean herself with."

"Hey, we're siblings. We use each other's stuff all the time," Kai shrugged.

"Oh my gossshhh! I just -- You know what? It's your turn to use the courtyard," the blonde said as he ushered Ignorance Clad in Red to the obstacle course. "The three of us had enough."

His words caught the attention of his students. "But we just started!" Arin protested.

"We'll train later, then," their master quickly replied as he beckoned the best friends inside.

Kai and Wyldfyre stared on blankly as they left, exchanging knowing smirks when those wooden doors slid shut.

"Ready to burn this place up?"

"Count me in!"


"It's already past three p.m. and Lloyd still hasn't called us back to the training yard!"

Arin anxiously glanced from his watch to the door of their room, opened slightly to reveal anyone passing by. "Maybe we should just go, anyways."

"Pfft! Who cares?" Sora scoffed, violently pressing every button on her Switch handle. "Woohoo!" she cried, jumping up and down. "I got first place! Let's gooooo!"

The TV screen displayed her victory, highlighting her deserved title as Arin's Wii character was placed right below hers in second place.

"Huh? Wait -- what?" Arin stammered as he frantically looked around to make sense of the situation. "How did--"

"Hahahaaa!" Sora cackled. "You were distracted, so I had to do something."

"Oh come on!" Arin groaned, slumping in the sofa in defeat.

Sora chuckled as she looked back at the TV, relishing her achievement. Sighing, she finally exited the game and turned the TV off.

"Let's go train now," she said bluntly.

"What?" Arin jumped up, surprised.

"Anything you want to do," Sora smiled. "You looked bored, anyways."

Arin rubbed the back of his neck and gave a breathy chuckle. "Hehe, thanks a lot, Sora."

The best friends headed towards the door, but just when they were about to push it open, the latch that held it closed wouldn't snap off.

"Huh, it's locked," Sora said.

"That's weird," Arin replied. "The door was opened just slightly the whole time we were playing games."

"No kidding." She fumbled more with the latch but it still wouldn't budge. "Hate ta break it to ya, but it's locked alright."

"Let's try the other door then."

They went to the door on the opposite side of their room, messing again with the latch just to find it was locked as well.

"What the heck!?" Sora pulled on door in panic. "Someone trapped us in here!"

Arin gasped. "Who might that be?"

Sora and Arin exchanged stares before frowning in their realization.



This chapter is a fewer words than before, but I'll do best to make the next chapter longer and more action-packed 😋.  So for now, enjoy this small-inciting-incident-that-will-lead-to-a-bigger-inciting-incident 😅😂.  I hope y'all have a great day! 💗✨

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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