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It was a cold morning at Jade mountain academy and Icicle had just stormed away from an argument with her brother Winter, After he had idiotically admitted how he had befriended a filthy nightwing.

Thoughts of anger raced through Icicles mind as she shook her head and let a seething breath out as she got to the entrance of Jade mountain academy  she spread her Glistening wings and took flight to the sky's so she could clear her mind as getting in trouble and damaging her pride and reputation was not on her list of things to do while at this waste of an academy. 

As the hours passed she would land by a flowing river of water to get a drink from, yet as she lowered her snout to drink she froze noticing a glimmer under the waters surface resting on the riverbed, she frowned and after a moment she pulled the item from the water as the item turned out to be a tablet of sapphire.

She stared confused at the tablet made of finely smoothed sapphire as she then noticed an inscription that after a close examination read

'I release the forgotten victim' 

Icicle frowned before shrugging and after a moment read the inscription out loud "I release the forgotten victim" after she said that nothing happened.

Until her body erupted into burning white hot pain as she let a pained gasp out collapsing as the world around her went dark.

(here's the first chapter sorry if its short but enjoy as many more are on the way :3 )  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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