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Bey Pov

"Megan trust me I'm not up to anything come on."

I was trying to get Megan to go out to the beach with me but she kept refusing claiming I was "up to something".

"No Beyoncé I know you're up to something" she said again laying back in her bed.

"Just trust me this one time Megan I know you have every reason to not trust me but I just wanna spend time with you Meg." I said and she huffed rolling her eyes.

"Fine" she said getting up and walking into the bathroom.

I smiled in victory and left out her room going to the living room and patiently waiting for her.

50 minutes later...

I heard feet coming down the stairs and I turned my head seeing Megan coming down the stairs. There was a definitely a good reason why she took so long because she looked so good.

She had a two piece on with a cover up on the bottom.

"Stop looking at me like that Beyoncé. You already know the rules." She said and I snapped out it looking back up.

"My apologies Megan. Let's go" I said and made my way to the front door.

I opened it and let her walk out first only to receive a side eye from her. "Beyonce what are you up too?" She asked stopping right in front of the door.

"You're taking me out to the beach, and you're opening doors for me." She said looking at me suspiciously.

"Megan opening the door for someone is a nice gesture. In this case it's a nice gesture unless you don't want me too then I'll just simply let you open the door yourself." I said and she rolled her eyes walking out the door.

I laughed lowly and followed behind her. I assumed she didn't want me to open her door so I just went to the driver side.

"What are you doin' ?" I heard Megan ask. I stopped and turned around furrowing my eyebrows.

"What?" I questioned.

"Open my door." She said pointing to the passenger. The urge to be petty and say" i thought you didn't want me to open your door?" but I'm trying to get her back so I bit my tongue.

I didn't say anything and that honestly shocked her. I opened her door and she climbed inside. I closed her door and went to my side getting is as well.

The beach was only thirty minutes away from Megan's house so when we get the sun will be setting.

30 minutes later...

I pulled into a parking space seeing the empty beach. "Beyonce why is the beach empty?" She asked.

"I rented it out for us Megan...We both are pretty well known and I don't want anything ruining this moment." I said softly.

"Beyonce you didn't have to do that...." She said looking out the window. I could tell she had a smile on her face but she was just trying to hide it from me.

"I did though I know you told me not to give you expensive things or go all out but you deserve it Megan. I'm not trying to speed up the process so you get back with me quicker I'm just showing my love for you. I want you to be able to be comfortable with me again and let down your walls." I expressed and I heard her sigh.

"I appreciate it Beyonce..." She said lowly.

"Now come on I wanna watch the sunset with you." I stated and got out the car. I peeped how Megan didn't get out the car and I figured it was a sign that she wanted me to open her door.

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