Biker Trouble

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                                                                                       Libby's POV

It was a sunny day in Adventure Bay and Skye and Chase were playing together on the beach.

But all that was going to change when a bike with three familiar figures showed up. It was the Ruff Ruff Pack.

"We should take Skye for a ride, Hubcap and Dwayne." Gasket said.

"Sure. let's do it." Hubcap and Dwayne said.

So, when Chase wasn't looking, the Ruff Ruff Pack snuck up behind Skye and captured her, then drove off.

When Chase went back to play with Skye, he noticed she was gone. He knew who took Skye.

"THE RUFF RUFF PACK! I KNEW IT!" Chase shouted.

After Chase told the other pups, Wildcat, Ryder, and me what happened, we went out to look for Skye.

Meanwhile, The Ruff Ruff Pack took Skye to their lair.

We got to the Ruff Ruff Pack's lair and there was Skye tied up.

"Give back Skye!" Chase shouted.

"You want Skye? Come and get her!" Gasket smirked.

While the other pups and Wildcat fought the Ruff Ruff Pack, Chase managed to untie Skye, but Hubcap and Dwayne press the button, causing the beater upper machine to beat up Skye.

"HOW DARE YOU BEAT UP MY BABY!" Chase shouted.

This caused the Ruff Ruff Pack to flee, but they ended up on a catapult. Chase activated the catapult sending the Ruff Ruff Pack flying while they screamed, "THE RUFF RUFF PACK'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!"

At the beach, Skye was still in pain from being beat up, but Chase sang I Only Have Eyes For You to her.

"Aw." Skye blushed.

Chase and Skye then kissed each other as the sun set over the beach.

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