chapter 3

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Jisoo hurriedly stand up and cup hana's face. Kissing her all over the face.

"Dada... it's tickling...haha." Hana said between her cute giggles.

Jisoo step back and bite his lips preventing himself from crying as he hear the same and beautiful sound of her giggles.

"Are you crying dada...." Hana asked while pouting.

"No babyy I'm not.." jisoo said while wiping his tears. "Look I'm happy!!"

Hana stop pouting and hug jisoo by his waist and look up. "I'm also happy!"

"Okay tell me does it hurt somewhere?!" Jisoo asked while caressing her hair.

"Nooo but my head is feeling little hurt..?" Hana said while touching her head where the bandage was.

"Don't worry baby....just wait and rest till this pain go away...okay?!"

"Roger sir!!" Hana said and salute and jisoo while he just laugh and kiss her cheek. They were talking when there was knock on the door.

"Can I come in?." Seokmin asked and smile at the little girl who was looking at him with confused face but soon it replaced with smile.

Hana nodded and seokmin come inside. Seokmin make his way towards the bed where jisoo was sitting. But he go to the opposite side when he notice jisoo glaring at him.

He cleared his throat and sat in the bed beside hana. " Who are you uncle?"

"I'm Lee seokmin. Whr about you what's your name?!" Seokmin asked and smile.

"My name is hana and I'm--" hana paused before continuing. "--five years old." She said after counting her fingers.

"Wow...what a beautiful name just like you..." Seokmin said and pat her head.

"I'm sorry hana because of me you are here--" seokmin said and looked down hana's hand in his.

"Please forgive me....seeing you in this bed is making my heart hurt." Seokmin said feeling so guilty.

He look at jisoo who was also looking at him but he look away as soon as he noticed seokmin looking at him.

"It's okay uncle....I forgive you so tell your heart not to hurt anymore." Seokmin's heart at the statement. He smile and kiss his forehead.

"Will you be my friend then?!" Seokmin asked the little girl who shook her head. "Ohh."

" i want to be your friend." Hana said as he notice seokmin's sad face. "But first you have to be friend with dada."

Jisoo widen his eyes while seokmin smile and look at jisoo who shook his head. "Okk."

Jisoo look at seokmin in shock who just smile at him. "Pleasee dada.... please." Hana pleaded while showing his big doe and innocent eyes.

"Fine.." jisoo said and roll his eyes. Seokmin let out a chuckle. He let out his hand for jisoo to shake. Jisoo also did the same and both of them shake their hands.

"Yayyy...uncle now we can be friends."

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