chapter 4

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Seokmin was infront of his house. Trying to ring the bell but he wasn't able to do it. As he was little nervous a out what will his father do to him.

Seokmin was busy in his thoughts when the door open. Seokmin look up and see his older brother, jihoon.

Jihoon look at him with concern face. Seokmin open his mouth try to say something but he was cut off when he was tackle in the hug.

He looked down and see his little brother, chan. He smile and hug him back while his hand caressing his hairs.

Jihoon pull both of his brothers inside. Chan and seokmin pull away. Seokmin look at his older brother and sigh

"Where were you seokmin!?? I get it you don't like jisoo bu--" jihoon was about to complete but but they heard their father.

"It doesn't matter if he likes or not jihoon....he have to do this... " Seokmin's father angrily started." Seokmin look down as he feel like his family just use him for business.

"And he agree on it....and still you didn't STOOD US UP INFRONT OD ALL MY BUSINESS FRIENDS." Seokmin's father shout coming near seokmin.

He was going to hit seokmin but his mother come between them. Seokmin's father stop seeing his wife. Seokmin sigh and look up at his father.

"Listen dad......I was on my way to come to engagement place but on my way a little girl come infront of my car."

Jihoon, chan ,and their mother gasp while thier father was just looking at him without any expression.

"So?" All of them look at their father in disbelief. "What do you mean 'so?' if that girl got bit by seokmin's car it's his responsibility to take to the hospital."

Their mother said angrily at him. Seokmin was looking at his father with angry and disappointed expression. He couldn't believe his father is indirectly saying he should have. Ome here instead of the girl who was in critical condition because of him.

"Whatt?!! Why should he take the responsibility?  He is not her father. Beside her parents should have been careful with their daughter." His father said while rolling his eyes.

"ENOUGH DAD!!!" Seokmin shouted for the second time that day at his father. He look at seokmin with surprise.

"How can you say that..." Seokmin whisper ut look up with Fierce eyes. "Listen to me dad....I'm not gonna marry jisoo....I don't care what will happen to your business deal.... seeing you didn't care about me and that little girl...why would I care what will happen if I don't get engaged with jisoo"

Seokmin said and walk away from there. Jihoon look at his dad before grabbing Chan's hand pulling him upstairs at his room.

Mother look at her three son walking away from there disappointed. She turned around and going to her room. While their father just follow her.

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