Day 1- 11.46 am

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Luke fell to the floor with a thud, landing rather awkwardly on his ankle but scrambling to his feet again regardless.  The first few of the zombies had turned their attention toward him, and many were ambling for him from all directions.  He gripped the handle of his shovel tighter, and prepared for action. 

Luke swung the shovel once, twice, taking out two of the savages closest to him with sickening squishing sounds that sprayed blood and gore everywhere.  He spun around again, swinging the shovel wildly and catching some more of the creatures around their knees, sending them crashing to the floor in chaos.  The zombies behind tripped over their fallen comrades, and Luke smiled in spite of himself.

From above, Hayley, Laura and Megan leapt down to join in the carnage, battering the zombies’ skulls with their own weapons.  It was four against a herd of fifty; they were massively outnumbered, but Luke knew for a fact that their human ability to think would work to favour them. 

“Come and get me, you useless pieces of shit!” Hayley roared from behind Luke and he saw the flash of her screwdriver as she stabbed it through the eye sockets of those savages closest to her.  Luke felt a clammy hand grab his hood and he was yanked backwards by the hungry owner of the hand, whose head twisted with teeth gnashing for his neck.  He twisted himself free from the rotting hand, and smacked the zombie right over the head with his shovel, flattening its sickening face.  More walkers were surrounding him now, cornering him, and he looked about desperately.  Megan was fighting off eight of the zombies, all of whom were leering toward her as she hit and slashed with her baseball bat.  Laura and Hayley both were fighting off a crowd of ravenous savages with sheer determination, though it seemed that they were, quite simply, outnumbered by the beasts.

From the roof above, Warren and Rori leapt into the fray, attacking more and more of the zombies that cornered Megan and Luke.  The walkers kept attacking relentlessly, clearly not feeling the exhaustion Luke was from fighting them off.  Still they came, some crawling across the floor to try and bite at his feet, others lumbering toward him with bloodied, outstretched hands before being ruthlessly battered to their messy end by one of their team.  Slowly, slowly, the living were winning their way back against the dead.

“There are more coming this way!” Rori called in warning.

Luke swore under his breath.  “Can you hold them all off?” Luke called to Warren and Rori, who nodded as they slashed at the still moving bodies of the fallen walkers.  “We’ll run for the car park, we just need you two to defend us as we run, clear a path so we can escape.  Then follow us.”

“You got it,” Warren said through gritted teeth as he fought off a rather feisty, drooling zombie. 

“Jump when I tell you to,” Luke called up to Poppy and Gemma in the ceiling, who nodded their agreement.  Neither had weapons, other than Poppy’s penknife, and Luke had advised Gemma to try to stay out of the action after her earlier incident with being knocked out.  

Luke fought off another zombie, and slowly began to make his way below the hole in the ceiling, slicing at the oncoming beasts as he did.  When he was directly below the hole in the ceiling, he looked up at Poppy and Gemma. 

“Now!” he yelled, and the pair of them leapt down from the ventilation system.  The minute they did, some of the zombies turned their hungry attention toward the two unarmed girls, and lumbered after them.

“The doors!” Luke shouted at the two girls, who began to run past their followers.  Luke charged after them, pushing the following zombies to the floor as he sprinted past.  Gemma and Poppy were through the double doors now, and Luke was close on their tail.  Behind him, Rori and Warren were still massacring the undead, and Megan, Laura and Hayley were beginning to make their way slowly to the double doors, still taking down the zombies that were attacking them.

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