Chapter 10- A Reunion

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As the sun rose over the Indigo Plateau, I couldn't help but shiver despite the warmth it was allowing to ebb into the air. Staring up at the building, it was easy to feel my nerves start to frazzle. Perhaps, had thing been normal, this would have been a fun challenge, but with the intense training, the mission, and everything else going on, I couldn't help be nervous.

"Heya Boss!" I squeaked as Petral clapped a hand on his shoulder, "Where do you want us? Should we spread out, watch the perimeter, search the crowd? What'cha got for us?"

Ariana sighed, pulling Petral back, "Give Red some space, can't you see he's nervous?"

"Pfft, nervous? Why?!" Petral gave a big encouraging smile, "You've been training for weeks! You've nearly matched yourself with the big boss himself! Plus you have your technique down, so what is there to be worried about?"

I took a deep breath, letting the grunt's words sink in, "Yeah... Yeah you're right..." I straightened myself up, putting out my arm to allow Pika on my shoulder, and clenched my fist with determination, "I've got this!"

I quickly turned around to the plain clothed grunts. Giovanni had assigned me some extras for this assignment, but of course I still had my original four, who stood at attention... Well, mostly at attention, waiting for orders.

I took a breath, adding some force to my tone, "Remember, we're here to gain information. Blue is friendly, but a scam artist so watch yourself. Once anyone finds her, let me know, I'll come right over and take things from there. I want some folks on the outside just to watch if she leaves or enters. Proton, can you take a team for that?"

Proton nodded, "I'll keep an eye on the security cams as well, just in case."

"Good, she's slippery so keep on that. Archer, Ariana, I want you two having groups searching inside. One in the crowd, one in the competitors. Figure out between yourselves who takes what." I then looked to Petral, "And you, I want you keeping an eye out for anyone that could cause problems. We're in a place with some of the Region's strongest trainers, and if any of them recognize us as Rockets, we're fucked. Do your thing, keep an eye on the biggest folks." The makeup artist nodded, and I turned my attention back to the group, "And last off, while I doubt that anyone but Blue will have information, if anyone finds any information about the Boss's son, report it to me immediately, got it?" The grunts nodded, and I turned back to the league, "Good. Let's go. Dismissed!"

The Grunts scattered, and I headed for the competitor's gate. The lady at the reception gave me a pleasant smile, "Hello! Welcome to the Pokémon League. May I see your Trainer ID and the Pokémon you plan to plan to enter into the tournament?"

I nodded, handing over my ID and Pokéballs, then gestured to Pika, "One of those is his."

She nodded, writing some things down, and smiling, "Alright! Head on in. People are already prepping for the preliminaries."

I perked up, "Wait! Hold on, I forgot something!" I reached into my bad and took out my badge case, opening it to a full set of 8.

"Red!" I looked behind me as I was opening the door to leave the hideout to find Giovanni approaching me, "I just wanted to wish you good luck today."

I gave a nervous chuckle, "Thanks... I'm gonna need it..."

"Nonsense, you're gonna knock them out of the park." The Gym leader smiled, plopping my hat on my head, "You almost forgot this."

"Oh!" I straightened my cap, "Thank you. I should be good to go then-"

"Almost." Giovanni reached into his suit pocket, "Mind if I see your badge case?"

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