Chapter 24

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{Hotch's POV}
Rachel Nicole's? Why would she call? "Emily, why did she call?" "I don't know, let me call the director," "This is SSA Prentiss I need to talk to the director, what do you mean, no I need to talk, one of the agents called so let me talk, you know what, this is not over," "Well?" " Nothing, sorry." "It's fine, ow," "What's wrong?" "My fucking spine," "The doctor, said when your spine started to heal, it would hurt in the lower par," "It's in my upper part of my spine, Emily it's in my upper part, ow, ow, ow," "Let me call the doctor," and she calls, "I need to talk to Dr. Hartman," "Mam, if you can hold he's in the middle of a surgery," "He worked on a federal agent and if he said if I have questions I can call anytime, and I need to talk to him now!" "Mam, he can't leav," "Hello Agent, how can I help?" "His spine hurts in the upper part," "Bring him in we need to do surgery, you know what, I will send ambulance to the apartment, no charge!" "Thank you!" "No problem agent! And the call ended, the story of my life, I am going back to surgery! Again!
{Prentiss's POV}
So I have to bring him back to the hospital for surgery, great, I am I going to feel like crap after I am done with this,
{Blake's POV}
So there is a call on line 1 it's Prentiss, she said Hotch is in surgery again, it's not good, I tell Rossi and he said I could leave and after I get in the car I bleat the sirens so people can get out of my way and people did and I was there in no time!

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