Chapter 46

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*Mature content, Viewer Distraction is advised*
*Very long chapter! But things get heated up! So please vote for this chapter and Enjoy it!☺️*
{Hotch's POV}
I hear beeping, then I hear voices. Like the teams voices. And I wake up and it's the team. They ask how i am doing, i say i am fine, but the doctor comes in and tells me how i am doing, for real. He says that two out of 10 bullets went in my leg. One of them went through a bone and the other tore through a muscle. Another two went through my foot. another in my shoulder. another 2 went through my left arm. another 2 through my chest and one near my lung. he said it was a miracle that I made through it. i am happy i am alive. i am happy that i have two boys at home and a happy girlfriend. I am glad that is over and i am alive.
{Prentiss's POV}
"Aaron i am glad your ok" "I am too!" I can't believe this,who caused this mayhem at the state department and who has a M.O. for Hotch? We need to figure this out because if anything, who ever is trying to get notch killed, they are going to it fast and they are with in the walls of the BAU. We need to find out who the hell this is.
{Rossi's POV}
Alright everyone we need to find out who is doing this. He is trying to kill a federal agent, this is not good, and we need to find out who it is before this gets bad and it is brought to the white house. Garcia. "Alright my loves, we have about 200 hundred people who have worked for the BAU/ who are still in it. How should i narrow it down?" "Start with late 20's to mid 30's" I said to Garcia "Ok this brings it down to 93 people." "Look for people who have worked in the BAU since Hotch started working." Morgan said to Garcia "Alright that brings it down to 19 I will let you know when i get something, beeb beeb" and then her voice was gone. "Ok I am the unsub, I am trying to kill a federal agent, what do i do?" I said to the rest of the team. "Well you first might get a visitors badge, lower in a agent who works here and change there clothes, God knows everyone wears the same outfit all the time." JJ said. "Thats what I would do." said Morgan. "OK, after I change the clothes what would I do?" Said Blake. "I would find who I am looking for. And after i find who i am looking for, we all know unsubs leave a note for us I would find the persons desk/office and leave it in there." Prentiss said.
{Garcia's POV}
So I look through files and i still get nothing so I look through VICAP and I still find nothing, I don't get why I can narrow it down to 19 people and after that I don't have anything else, then it came on me. I didn't look over victimology/M.O. then i narrowed it down to 10 people then i called the conference room to tell the team i narrowed down the list. the phone rings then they pick it up and its Morgan. "Listen up my fine friends I have narrowed down to 10 people Here are the names Joe Carter, Linsey Pewtersmit, Nick Langley, Kendell Vewer, Alexis Sewer, Carter Brigs, Jack Willims, Rachel Dickens, Roy Hayleys and, OMG, and Anderson." I said to them but know why it can be anderson but, "No way it can be Anderson," Rossi said in shock. "He shows up on the list, what is the one common thing you use to narrow things down even more?" I said to them. "Victimology!" Blake said. "Correct, if there is something else I can use to narrow down the list let me know." "He would be one of the best in the BAU." Reid said. "OK 5 left," He would have always fill out paper work so Hotch wouldn't have to handle it." Rossi said. "2 left! sending the files over now! beeb beeb." I kept digging to see if I can find more information on the 2 suspects.
{Reid's POV}
"OK, Roy Haileys and Joe Carter." "Those names sound familiar, if anything i know Joe carter but he moved to the FBI field office in Utah, so it can't be him, and the other one," Rossi said as they were thinking who could have done this. "I know the other guy, he works with the FBI office in Iowa, so." Prentiss said and the phone rang. "Hey baby girl, tell us something good because we are truly stuck on this." Morgan said to Garcia on the phone. "Well hot stuff I got a couple of things on both of them. Joe Carter had to fill on gas near the FBI field office where the other suspect works. And the other one just clocked out of work, so thats it I will let you know when i have more." and Garcia hung up. "OK, so one traveled to see the other, thats a change in M.O., do you think someone is watching us and they told them and told them to go see the other person, because thats just a coincidence? I think there is another person with in the BAU who told them because it takes a while to get from Iowa to Utah," Blake said. "Then who do you think told them?" Morgan said and Garcia called. "This just in the two people met.!!!" Garcia said. "How do you know?" Rossi said? "They both filled up again at the same gas satiation." Garcia said "At the rate there going, if they both did 95 mph on the highway without getting caught it would take them only an hour and 42 minutes and fifty three seconds." Reid said "Thank you pretty boy." Morgan said. "What do we do? Tell local Police? Like how will we get these people to keep Hotch safe?" Prentiss asked. "I don't know but we have to stay on top of it and we have to keep looking at files and why it happened to Hotch." Rossi yelled and they all got to work.
{Roy's POV}
"What are we going to do about that agent? He is still alive and he is recovering at Langley ER. I though we killed him, god knows we got him enough times every where. "Well, we always can fly back to Quantico and get him again?" said the other person. "He didn't see us. he blacked out on the first shot." "True. But if we head back, there is going to be more cops then ever because we shot him? what should we do then, sorry I don't want to get caught and be locked up in prison for shooting a federal agent." Roy said in anger. "Well we can fly back to D.C. and figure it out from here, we will have to pay in cash so they can't track us."
{Morgan's POV}
So we go through the file work but yet nothing, we can't track them down at the point they should be out of gas, unless they pay in cash, then we can't track them. But still we will find them and arrest them. "So if they are paying in cash, where do you think they are going to go?" Rossi questioned. "Well it can be any where, if they heard about Hotch alive they might come back to D.C. but it will be swarming with cops so," Reid said and then Garcia came back on the line. "Alright crime fighters, brutal crime scene in, Iowa the info has been transferred to your tablets, i did call the police there, they are expecting you and they know you can communicate after you leave the crime scene, they won't bother you unless it is urgent but they would like your Point of View." Garcia said as they all look at the pictures. "Thank you baby girl." Morgan said in a sexy tone. "You are welcome chocolate thunder." Garcia said and she hung up, "MORGAN, JJ, REID, head out there and look at the crime scene give them an idea of what happened, everyone else lets keep working on this we need to track them down before they can get to Hotch." Rossi said. "Ok, so we are looking for an FBI agent, that will stand out so easy." Blake said in sarcasm. "Well we always could check through VICAP, missing reports." Prentiss said. "Maybe. Only if we knew where the unsubs are." Rossi said in question
{Joe's POV}
"I can't believe that we killed them! That was awesome! We could do that to Aaron?" "So you are talking about life in prison no parol?" "Fine!" I can't wait to see him again.
{Garcia's POV}
I am just sitting there and then i hear a beeping noise and I call the conference room. "Listen they are in Alabama," Garcia yelled. "Why would they go south?" Morgan questioned. "I don't know but I will keep looking into it beep beep" I type really fast and i get the cars GPS system and i locust and i keep on track with these son of a bitches so yea.
{Hotch's POV}
So I just sit there doing nothing, bored as hell. I am so bored right now and then the team comes in, they said Morgan, JJ, and Reid flew out there to check it out, we talk for a while and then the doctor came and had to give me medication to help me sleep, it was about 9:00 and they went back to the BAU and kept working and a few minutes later I was asleep.
{Blake's POV}
"Well, we know they are in Alabama, What do you think they are doing there?" As I said to the others. and Garcia popped up on the TV. "So this just in my crime fighters the unsubs, they stopped at a certain house, they went down there because they have family, they must have stopped there before coming back to D.C." as Garcia was saying. "Anything else?" Rossi Asked. "NO, but Morgan and the rest are behind you." and the screen went black. "Guys what happens if they went down there for another reason, what happens if they went down there to kill there family, it says bad things have happened in the past with joe's family." Blake said like a Reid moment. "You do have a point, Blake good thinking, and good thinking like Reid." Morgan said. "Well I don't know about you but lets head home we can pick up in the morning," said Blake. "Fine by all of us." Said Rossi.
{Joe's POV}
How close are we to D.C.? I ask, he doesn't know, but I wonder why we are down here, but I don't question it. "I will be right back." and I what in the car. And i a few mites he comes back with over 2,000 in cash, he had a hidden safe and we left and we went onto the highway and in a few hours we were in North Carolina, and I fell asleep and we stopped to get gas, and food, after an hour we left and we were heading to the nations capital, the best place Washington D.C. and in like 2 hours we were there, our mission. To kill Aaron Hotchner. Our mission will be done soon.
{Garcia's POV}
So everyones in and these are stupid people for unsubs "Hello everyone, they just made another card purchase." "Where Garcia?" "North Carolina." "We have to be prepared, but what is there plan?" Morgan asked. "Well, if it makes you feel better, There getting closer." Reid said. "If I get anything else I will let you know, PG Out." "I wonder if they are near, at the rate there going it doesn't take long to get here if they are going fast." Rossi said. "Do you think there going after Hotch?" Morgan said. "If they are we have to get there before they do. And the team left to head to the hospital.
{Hotch's POV}
These two men come into the room dressed in hospital uniforms and they give me medicine, and they leave and my monitor is going crazy and i start coughing and i faint and before I faint I hear "FBI" and its Morgan, and they rush me somewhere.

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