what it would be like dating him (delulu)

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again this is my opinion

loves physical touch

Princess treatment

After care!!!!!! (If yk yk)

If he actually love you then he would give you the world.

Walks into your dorm without knocking.

Try's not to smoke in front of you

would easily drop his friends to spend him with you.

would let you sit on his lap

Secretly loves it when you play with his hair

would get in a fight for you

If you were in a fight he would be proud of you and watch but if you were losing he would rip the person off you.

Overprotective but not extremely

Jealous again not extremely but it's there

if a man hit you he would easily 💀 them

big on hugs

when you guys hug he would either put his arms around your shoulders and kiss your head (THE HIGHT DIFFERENCE 👏) or he would rap his arms around your waist.

Loves to admire you

Calls you Cara Mia (his inner Italian ofc)
Also calls you princess

Would play fight with you and let you win if he felt like being kind that day

Would play with your hair

Would probably walk in on your showering on purpose or get in with you. Only if he knew you would be ok with it tho.

If you were talking to another guy he would death stare them and do it until they back off

Acts of kindness only if you're dating and he really loves you let's be real.

If another girl try's flirting with him he would just side eye them and walk away. Or say "my girlfriend would kill you"

If you guys were at a party and were playing spin the bottle and it landed on you and someone else he would move the bottle towards him so that he could kiss you also so no other guy did.

kisses all the time neck,forehead,hands,lips duh,head, ears and thighs. (big on the thighs fr)

try's to like your friends but doesn't get close with them and expects you to do the same.

Really dirty minded and would grin at you if someone said something that he found dirty.

would let you wear his hoodies and secretly loves it when you refuse to give it back.

Also doesn't wash it when you give it back so it smells like you. (Not in a creepy way😭)

would give you flowers

loves taking you to the black lake on a walk.

Love it when you call him "teddy"

Doesn't act different in front of his friends

Shows you off so everyone knows you are his and so all the girls that like him know he has a beautiful girlfriend.

big spoon 🙌🙌

would sneak into your dorm to scare you.

Would look after you when you get sick

loves listening to music with you

that's all for now I will probably add more these were just in my head lol.

Again my opinion if you don't agree that's fine ❤️

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