Claiming Striker as her Chair

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Kind guffawed, and tried to pull off a medieval accent but failed due to her heavy German accent. "I hath claimed my throne!" So, he would slowly raise a hand up onto her head... And would slowly start to stroke her hair... He'd start to gently brush her hair... And would slowly give off this comforting feeling to his hand motions. He knew that she would absolutely love this. Kind's head leaned back, like a cat/dog's head when their head is being pet and scratched in the right spot. Striker would continue to stroke her hair... Now he was just brushing his fingers gently onto her hair... He'd also gently scratch those same fingers onto her head whenever he saw them fit to do so. Oh, and she just looked so damn adorable right now... No matter how much he sees her, she never fails to look cute. He would then speak again.

"Do you like that, my queen?"

Kind looked at him and nodded. "ja...ja, das gefällt mir~ prrrr~" Striker then couldn't help but smile. Her nod and then a little purr... Was just adorable to him. Well, he wanted to give her some more petting then... Though, that meant that he would slowly scratch his fingers down her back, going from her upper back to her lower back slowly. He kept doing this for a while as well, just trying to give her comfort and pleasure with his petting. Kind nodded and leaned her head back and laid her head down on Striker's shoulder while she was still sitting forwards in his lap. "I am enjoying the pets! It makes me feel looooved~ comfyyy~ and I love head scratchies!~"

Striker's arms would be fully wrapped around her as she decided to lay her head down onto him. He would slowly begin to scratch the back of her head a bit more after she had done so... And would try and make his motions more relaxing or even comforting for her to feel. "Aww...~ So it makes you feel loved whenever I give you head scratches or pats? Good, because I want you to feel loved.~ You should deserve it from me..." Kind nodded and smiled, feeling like a teddy bear getting cuddled by a child. She felt contented in his arms. She chuckled. "what would I do without you, Strikey?" she asked lovingly to herself.

Striker couldn't help but smile right now when she just called him... "Strikey"... It was so damn cute. Though, he had heard her call him similar nicknames... Well, he'd just keep giving her this comforting hug and petting. And he'd slowly start to speak back to her with his arms wrapped around her. "Well, maybe you'd be bored of life without me, huh?~ I mean, you'd miss out on all of your cuddles with me and whatnot~..." He said as he nuzzld his head into the nape of Kind's neck. Kind nuzzled back and smirked. "I would, wouldn't I? And I'd probably die alone without you... which I'd hate to be completely honest with you, Strikey." Striker would chuckle as he heard that. He couldn't help but imagine if he was out of her life... If he was gone... She wouldn't have anyone to cuddle with her... She wouldn't have anyone to spoil her... And she wouldn't have anyone to love her. And the thought made him smile more as he slowly spoke. One thing he definitely didn't want was for her to be alone. "Mm...~ Well, glad we won't get to that point in time, then.~ You wouldn't want to lose me, wouldn't you?"

Kind looked at Striker, and as truthful as she could ever get, she spoke. "I'd actually sob if you broke up with me, no joke." Striker would become surprised upon hearing Kind just tell him that... He knew that she loved him... But, he didn't know that she'd start breaking down into tears if he broke up with her... "Hm? You'd sob if I did that?~... I mean, what's so special about me that you'd sob because I broke up with you?" Kind nodded and sighed. "You're the only person that gets me, we've been together, we've had our loving and intimate moments.... we get along... and you're the only one that stayed in my life... I don't want that to leave me..." Striker would become quite silent and surprised once she told him all of that... He couldn't deny that what she said was all true... He really was the only person that stayed in her life... The only person that understood her... And the only person that loved her... "And I don't want it to either... I don't want to leave you either... I don't want you to leave me either... I want to be with you... Forever..." Kind nodded in agreement. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Striker. "Hey, baby?... how long have we been dating?"

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