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In his head, it's a tangled mess of thoughts.

Author's POV

It was quiet and still. A couple of birds flew through the air in the distance. The leaves of trees were whispering untravelled tales with the cold evening breeze.

The sky was a pale blue, orange with fluffy pillows of cloud scattered on all over it, appearing like an impressionistic painting, painted with the brush of a fine artist. It seemed like the Sun felt flattered and homely in the arms of Sky and desire to hide itself in the arms of Sky.

The evening breeze floated through the open window over his desk waltzing the curtain from side to side, like the nature singing a lullaby. He simply had a squint of his "Audemars piguet" watch, cuffed around his wrist stably.

A cold feeling constricted his throat and he convulsed in a dry heave.

Leaning back in his office chair, he darted a passing glance at the Calendar that read twenty- three October.

He rose to his feet and took three calculative strides close to the gigantic Window Glass of his Cabinet.

His eyes fell upon on the Glass Window, providing a slight reflection of his and somewhere even now it's aching for his heart to look at his own reflection, as if he's nothing more than the reflection of his chaos, there is a tangled mess of thoughts in his head.

His inner voice echoed loud and clear into his veins, for a moment everything faded away until it comes back again, the bitter taste in his mouth, the familiar words of his grief.

But on a sudden, his eyes caught a sight of a family occupied with having fun and dissolved into a heartily laughter and the memories of his own family played in the back of his head and in some ways it sent a wave of thrill to his bitterly cold heart.

Without a notice his mind took a trip in the memory lane of that night. His hand stilled, his expression unreadable. A wisp of unease niggled at his stomach.

The moment he reminisced the touch of her skin that could even drown a bird's feather in shame.

His lips dried and then pressed together as he tried to get ahold of the chaos rushing through his mind and body, he released a heavy sigh, trying to articulate the emotions swirling inside of him.

The image of her ethereal smile was like a storm cloud looming on the horizon, casting a beautiful shadow over his thoughts, making him restless as he once again found himself replaying that brief moments in his mind.

The tips of his fingers circulated around his temples as he sensed the seeping pain heavily weighs upon his brain due to weld up of so many questions that lingered around his head, his brows arched upward and then drew closer in resentment.

The soft clicking of door opening, ceased the hurricane of thoughts that was bit by bit tearing down the fragile thread of patience that his soul held.

"May, I come in sir?" With her hands clenched around numerous files, his PA grilled in a polished tone.

With a simple nod, he granted her entry.

"Sir, I offer my apologies as due to some personalized inducement the Clients of trimuvarities have a wish for a meeting with you, after half an hour later".

She gave utterance to the crucial meeting that beyond the shadow of a doubt can be much profitable yet Money spinning for the Company.

He gave a brief nod with a  distant, detached look in his eyes that could even froze the lava, rawness streched his bewitching features and he drew a figmental line across the documents, that a little  time ago his PA handed over to him.

"The meeting needs to be prep-"

His authoritative command was interrupted by the ringing of the telephone, a muscle in his jaw jumped and he felt the firmness in the features of his face.

"Excuse me."The glacial waves of air, floating and bordering him even got more frigid yet  freezing from the tone of his voice.

His PA turned on her heels and walked away from his Cabin as she knew that her Boss in any circumstances never appreciates, if someone attempts to meddle in his personal life as he thrives on controlling both his personal yet professional lives.

"Mr Singhania" Her bright, silvery voice unconsciously calmed him down like the waves of ocean and he hated himself for this.

"An emergency has occurred; would you kindly come to the orphanage right now?" Her voice held the heavy weight of frightened and a line appeared between his brows as his eyes swam with fear.

"Are they all right?" He asked being tensed while shaking a bit like a fragile leaf.

"Yes, all is well with them; I am just not sure what to tell you right now, but please make an effort to visit here as soon as you can." As if it was the best thing he could ever do for her, she pleaded.

"Are you Okay?" He couldn't stop himself for asking but at that precise moment, she hang up the call.

He held back a sigh of unease as the wind sighed and made a long, soft sound as it passed through the trees, wondering what might have happened. 

"What if she's not okay" A voice from the corner of his heart, echoed in the abandoned lane of his heart and without a second thought, he briskly picked his Coat and wend his way outside.

"Sir the meet-

His PA stared open-eyed at her Boss as if someone had assured her that her boss would freely donate both of his kidneys.

"Cancel it". Arjun clicked his tongue and without words stroll in the direction of cabin lift.

She counted her finger block whether the world is rotating around sun or neptune as this was the first time ever The prominent businessman of India happened to cancel his meeting.

It doesn't matter whether temperature dropped at minus or abruptly sun have the urge to drenched entire country.

Regardless of the national or international holiday, Arjun Singhania never misses an opportunity to grab his staff from their desks. If heaven were to grant him one wish, it would surely be for the expansion of his business. 

I offer my apology for the brevity of this chapter, but I assure that next chapter will going to be grand yet a special one:)

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