Chapter 1

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Fourth and Prom were casually fooling around in their class. They were practically the clowns of the class. Them making a joke of everything was something common now.

Suddenly they heard the door slam open and their English teacher entered, with a tall boy in a perfectly tucked uniform.

"Good Morning everyone!" Everyone ran back to their seats when they heard Mrs Fah speak. Fourth and Prom sat at the back of the class.

Everyone greeted Mrs Fah back and bowed down.

"Today we have a new classmate," she said as she pointed out the tall boy beside her.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gemini. That's all," Mrs Fah told Gemini to sit somewhere in front. The way Gemini spoke was so professional and sophisticated. Everyone was impressed by the way Gemini presented himself, with his beautiful features and tall height

"Is he a robot?" Prom whispered to Fourth. Even the whisper was more like shouting. Everyone in the room heard Prom talking nonsense. On the other hand, Fourth agreed with Prom.

Little whispers and giggles were heard.

"Stop this you shouldn't be talking about someone behind their back" Prim spoke up. She was a straight 'A' student, really popular and extroverted. Everyone admired her, she was nice to everyone, who was nice to her or her loved ones?

"And so what if I am, are you my mom?" Prom spoke in a sarcastic tone.

While all this chaos was taking place Gemini made himself comfortable by sitting on the first seat and placing his belongings. Gemini was used to being seen as an arrogant person. He didn't care about this stuff.

The only thing he cared about was being the top in his class. He can't let this BS get to him.

"Alright stop fighting, take out page number 87 and Prim start reading" Mrs Fah interrupted the bickering and ordered Prim.

Fourth had a few impressions about Gemini. Firstly he is cold or introverted and a total clean freak.




"Let's head to the cafeteria" Prom suggested.

"Yup, I'm so ready for the new menu today," Fourth said with joy. The class had just gotten over and everyone was busy trying to gather their friends for lunch.

The cafeteria was more crowded than usual. Fourth, he found an empty table and welcomed himself to a plate of hot food he had craved all day.

"I heard we were getting some projects in Civics class,"

"That's such a pain in the ass." Fourth whined and stuffed his face with rice.

"I know right, btw I heard Prim already has a crush on the new guy"

"Okay and where are you hearing all these things all of a sudden?" Fourth raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Dude it's obvious how the way she acted in the class and btw I heard her friends gossiping about it in front of the lockers."

"Probably a perfect match then," Fourth said, not caring about all this gossip.

"Anyway, Prim's friend Love, she was so cute today," Prom said with a huge smile appearing on his face.

"Are you for real? You say that every day FYI" Fourth said as he rolled his eyes behind his back.

"Yeah yeah, you don't have to be so rude about it" Prom argued. Prom has had a crush on Prim's best friend for almost a year now.

Both of them just argued and giggled at each other stupid ness which was normal.




The next day Mr Chai welcomed himself into the class.

"So you all have been assigned groups and will be completing this project in 2 months," Mr Chai guided everyone.

"I will just announce the groups now." Everyone had their fingers crossed hoping to be in the same groups as their friends or crushes.

Mr Chai went on with the list and spoke about the names of the seventh group

"Prom....." Prom had his eyes shut and both of his fingers made a cross, hoping to be paired up with Love, His love of life.

"Love..." Prom almost lost his balance when he heard Mr. Chai say the next name.

"Did you hear that Fourth, love of my life?" Prom said shaking Fourth aggressively in excitement.

"Yeah dude I get it calm down" Fourth said getting irritated by his friend.

"Prim..." Prim beamed in happiness as her best friend was in the same group as her. On the other hand, Prom's smile faded.

"Ugh, that devil," Prom said.

"Would you please shut up?" Fourth requested prom ironically.

"Fourth... and lastly Gemini" After announcing a few more groups Mr Chai closed his notepad from which he read out the groups.

"I hope you all get along and give your hundred per cent. See you all tomorrow." Mr. Chai took his exit and everyone bowed down to him.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this" Fourth whined as he sat back in his chair.

"I can relate so hard right now," Prom said.




As Prom was about to put his last notebook inside his bag, he heard someone banged their palms on his table.

"So as you know, we are unfortunately in the same group. Let's meet at the library" Prim commanded.

"Yo-" Prom was about to lash out but then he realised Love was standing next to Prim.

"Right," Prom continued.

"Fourth come to the library with Gemini after you finish today's notes," Prom said as he took his leave with Prim and Love.

Fourth was busy racing his pen to his notebook. Then he realised that only Gemini and him were in class.

Gemini seemed to be burying his head in his book. 'Probably nerd stuff' Fourth thought. Fourth quickly finished the notes and started packing his bag to head to the library.

"Hey we have to go to the library for the project" Fourth said as he approached Gemini from behind.

But Gemini didn't reply, instead, he started to open another book which was beside him.

"Hey, I'm saying something," Fourth said as he faced Gemini, who was sitting on his chair.

Still no response. Fourth, he had enough of it. He snatched the book from Gemini's hand and hid it behind him.

"Give it back," Gemini said.

"Uh, So now you will talk to me," Fourth said as he rolled his eyes.

"I don't have time for this" Gemini said getting up from his desk.

"Everyone is waiting at the library, we have to go" Fourth informed Gemini still not giving Gemini's book back.

"You know what you are a real pain" Gemini said with an annoyed face.

"Huh, I just talked to you like a human being and here you are starting a fight. You must be so damn arrogant" Fourth said as he banged the book on the table.

Fourth was so done with Gemini he stomped out of the class.

"Do what you want" Fourth said glaring at Gemini before shutting the door.

Gemini rolled his eyes and sat back again. Second day here and Gemini had already made an enemy.




End of Chapter 1

My Beloved Enemy [GeminiFourth] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now