Chapter 15

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Fourth's POV

Unfortunately, today was Gemini's and Prom's turn to clean. 

"Fourth, you are so nice," Prom said as Fourth finished his notes.

"What do you want?" Fourth asked without looking at Prom.

"Just today can you take my duty? I promise I'll clean next time," Prom requested Fourth with pleading eyes.


"Come on please, I have a date with Love and you can have a chance to be alone with Gemini" 


"Plea... wait What?" Prom asked confused but didn't care and took his leave.

Fourth got up from his seat and saw Gemini and Prim discussing something. 

"What's up?" Fourth asked approaching the two.

"Nothing Gemini is just helping me review this question" Prim replied and continued writing something down.

"Omg, I did it on the first try after you explained it, Thank you" Prim clapped her hands as she got the answer right, followed by packing her stuff.

"You're welcome" Gemini said, to which Prim gave a smile.

"anyways bye guys" Prim bid her goodbye and left.

"Why haven't you gone home?" Gemini stood up from his seat and asked facing Fourth.

"You want me gone so bad?" Fourth asked with a sulky face,

"n-no, I didn't mean it like that" Gemini held Fourth hands trying to ensure Fourth.

"I was just kidding no need to take it seriously" Fourth tightened his grip and chuckled.

"Prom just asked me to take his duty for today,"

"And you agreed because?" Gemini had a smirk plastered on his face, he knew what he was doing.

Fourth suddenly kissed Gemini on the cheek, Gemini didn't expect that Fourth would do something like this out of the blue.

"So I could do this" Fourth was smiling so much, that Gemini couldn't help but smile too.

The atmosphere was so lovey-dovey, Both of them loved it. 

"What sport are you going to participate in for sports day?" Fourth asked caressing Gemini's hand.

"none" Gemini spoke looking at their hands.

"come on It will be fun, I am going to participate in the relay race" Fourth finally let go of Gemini's hands and went to bring the broom.

"I just can't," His tone was soft and stiff as if he badly wanted to avoid this topic.

"Why?" Fourth was worried to see a change in Gemini's tone.

"I just have to study for the test nothing else, anyways we should clean" Fourth didn't like it, He knew this was not the reason for Gemini to not participate, The way he spoke didn't seem genuine to Fourth.

Fourth slowly approached Gemini and hugged him tightly, he didn't know what made him do this but it felt like the right thing to do.

"Do you like sports?" Fourth asked rubbing Gemini's back gently with a soft tone so only Gemini could hear even though there was no one in the class, Gemini slowly hugged Fourth back. 

"I do, I used to run when I was in middle school" Gemini was resting his head on Fourth's shoulder.

"Then why you don't want to participate?" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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