Chapter Six

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LOVERS PEACE | Lost In Ya Love

The next day, Sa'hora was very tempted to cancel all her sessions and stay home and sulk. Christopher came home super late last night. Her pregnancy fatigue prevented her from staying up until he came home like she wanted to. He came
home passed 3 a.m according to the Ring camera footage she checked this morning.

He also slept in the guest room on the other side of the house. She didn't even see him this morning and even though he came in late, he was sure to get Kenzo ready and to school.

She closed her office suite door not wanting to be bothered by anyone at all. That didn't last long though because soon Millie was bursting in her suite loud and cheery. She hummed happily, closing the door and plopped down in the seat in front of her friend's desk.

"Uh, Uh, what is wrong with you?" Millie asked with a frown.

Sa'hora sighed rubbing her temple.

"Christopher thinks I cheated on him last night," she mumbled.

A silly expression covered Millie's face as she took her friend's words in.

"Girl what?"

"Exactly, we got into a bad argument because I came home late. Me and Noah didn't get out until late and you know his cologne is strong. He came to his own conclusions and left last night, he looked so hurt," she sniffled.

Millie pulled her bottom lip in to refrain from smiling. She maintained her straight facial expression and sighed.

"Oh girl, that sounds like a mess,"

"It is a mess. I miss him and hate arguing with him. What if he doesn't want to get married anymore? Or worse, what if he leaves me?!" she began to sob again making Millie quickly come to her side and wrap her arms around her.

"Sa'hora, calm down. You are overthinking. He is not going anywhere and tonight y'all probably gonna talk it out or even better fuck it out," Millie said giggling.

"He probably won't want to touch me ever again," she cried.

Millie shook her head at her friend's dramatics. Her pregnancy definitely made her overly emotional and sensitive.

The office door opened revealing Noah in a white button down shirt and black slacks. Before he could enter the room and register what was happening, Millie shouted.

"Get out!" she screamed.

He lifted his hands up which were holding two coffee's and a small bag from Dunkin' Donuts. Once he left the room, Sa'hora resumed crying and Millie comforted her.

"I don't want to think about it anymore. I just have to hope he'll want to talk to me when I get home. How did your session go yesterday?" she asked wiping her eyes.

"He will girl, trust. Also I meet with the guy today, something happened yesterday so they had to reschedule. Trust me, i'ma be running up in here as soon as it's over to tell you all the tea,"

"You know you can't discuss your clients with me girl,"

"Girl you know what I mean. Anyways, stop crying girl. Your man love you down bad so stop crying,"

She nodded her head and grabbed wet wipes out of her purse. She wiped her eyes and applied lip gloss on her face. Her face was still red and a bit puffy but it would go down in time.

"See? There my bitch go. Period. Now I got to go but I'll be by in a bit to check on you,"

Sa'hora gave her a small smile and watched her walk to the door. Millie opened the door and held it open, motioning for Noah to come in with an attitude. She left the suite shutting the door hard making him shake his head.

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