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Lexi Rivera had recently graduated from university with a bachelor's degree, aiming to become an FBI agent. On her first day, she got all dressed up and drove to the agency.

As soon as Lexi arrived, a woman named Anna greeted her. "Hey, you must be Lexi Rivera, right?" Anna asked. Lexi confirmed, "Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you, Anna." Anna then took the lead, introducing Lexi to everyone and giving her a tour.

"I'm Anna, the Boss's assistant," Anna explained. Lexi smiled, taking in the information. Anna continued, "These are the folks you'll be working with." As Lexi looked around, she noticed one person giving her a strange look. Nonetheless, everyone else welcomed her warmly.

Anna showed Lexi her office, which turned out to be quite spacious. "Wow, this is impressive," Lexi remarked. Anna chuckled and said, "Follow me." She gently took Lexi's arm and led her to the boss's office, which was even more grand. Lexi took a moment to admire her surroundings.

"Boss, this is Lexi, our new team member," Anna introduced. The boss, Jacob Osborn, greeted Lexi, "Nice to meet you, Lex. I'm Jacob Osborn, but you can call me Mr. Osborn." Lexi returned the smile, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

Jacob explained that for the first week, Lexi would undergo various tests to assess her skills. "If you pass most of the tests, you'll secure your spot. However, if not, we'll have to let you go," Jacob stated. Lexi nodded, determined to prove herself.

Throughout the week, Lexi tackled every test successfully. "This girl is incredible and highly skilled," Jacob praised. It was clear that Lexi was ready for real missions. "I think it's time to assign her to the mission everyone has been working on," Jacob declared. "I agree," Anna chimed in.        

"We've been after this one super powerful guy for a long time, you know? No team has ever been able to take him down. People have been trying for years," Anna said. Jacob shook his head in disbelief. Lexi was completely shocked when she heard the word "years." "He's crazy smart, they call him the mastermind," Jacob added.

"You think I can get him? I mean, I've taken down every person in every mission you've given me," Lexi said confidently. "He's way stronger than all those guys combined," Anna warned. Lexi let out a sigh.

"The president said that whichever FBI team can take him and his crew down will earn a reward of 38 million dollars," Anna revealed. Lexi's jaw dropped. "38 mil?!?" she exclaimed, unable to believe her ears. Jacob nodded in confirmation.

"What kind of info do we have on this guy?" Lexi asked eagerly. "We don't have much, just two things," Jacob replied. Lexi looked at them, waiting for more. "He always goes to the bar on Thursdays," Jacob shared. "And, his name is... Andrew Davila," Anna whispered. Lexi's eyes widened as she processed the information. Anna and Jacob exchanged a knowing glance before looking back at Lexi.

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