The Mission

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"Uhm, got anything else on him?" Lexi asked. "That's all, I think," Jacob replied. Lexi stepped outside for some fresh air. Andrew Davila, his name felt intense. Was he really that bad? She wondered.

She went back inside and asked, "So, any plan yet?" "Nope, that's what we gotta figure out. Gotta be super sneaky," Anna said. "Hey, Mr. Osborn, what was that about the bar every Thursday?" Lexi inquired. "He goes there every Thursday?" Jacob asked, confused.

Lexi had an idea, "I know it's risky, but what if I go to that bar and flirt with him?" "That's a great plan! We'll get you ready this Thursday," Jacob agreed. Lexi smiled.

Thursday arrived, and Lexi felt nervous. She didn't want to disappoint her boss. "Remember, you gotta flirt really well. He's a cold person," Anna reminded her. Lexi nodded and headed out.

A few minutes later, she walked into the fancy bar. Her goal was to catch Andrew's attention. She tried and tried, but he wasn't looking. So, she decided to "get a drink." "Hey, I'll have a martini," she told the bartender.

Sitting next to Andrew, she waited. She glanced at him while he tried not to look at her. "Hey, pretty boy," Lexi said with a smile. It took Andrew a few seconds to reply, his tone cold, "What do you want?"

Lexi teased, "What's wrong, got a girlfriend?" Andrew's response was curt, "No,  and not looking for one either."

Lexi was like, "Oh no, I didn't mean to do that, I just wanna be your friend." Andrew was all, "I'm not looking for friends either." Then the bartender came over and was like, "Here's your drink, ma'am." Lexi thanked the bartender and grabbed her martini. She started dancing, trying to get Andrew's attention. She noticed him looking a few times, but he didn't make a move. After a couple of dances, Lexi realized Andrew was gone.

She quickly told her boss, Jacob, saying, "Boss, he left." Jacob was like, "Dang, go back to his seat and see if he left anything." Lexi nodded and went back to where Andrew was sitting. She found a receipt with his purchases. Excitedly, she said, "Boss, I found something that could give us info." Jacob asked, "What are we gonna do with that?" Lexi explained, "We can find his credit card, track his purchases, and maybe get a clue about how he looks." Anna added, "But you saw him at the bar, right?" Lexi replied, "Nah, he was wearing a mask and stuff." Jacob said, "Hmm, let's keep the receipt. Tomorrow, we'll use it to track him." Lexi left the office and headed home.

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