The Wedding

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Friday arrived and Lexi had to make sure she got as much information as possible, so she wouldn't disappoint her boss.

She got ready into her dress, and was one of the bridesmaid. She then went in the Limo and saw Pierson."omg Pierson, you look amazing
!" Said Lexi. "Aww thanks Lex, you too!"said Pierson.

They arrived at the hall and as soon as Lexi walked in, Andrew and Lexi eyes met. She looked away trying not to make it obvious. The bridesmaid were standing right next to Pierson while the Best mans stood right next to Brent.
Andrew was on of the Best man.

They played games, did their vowels and then it was time for the last game. "Okay guys, this game is a bit special because, Brent and I won free tickets to Hawai but we already booked our tickets to Hawai, so the winner of this challenge gets 2 free tickets and gets to come with us" said Pierson.

Everyone cheered. "So, the bridesmaid and best man will partner up and choose a person to kiss, whoever kisses the longest wins, except you Lexi. said Brent. Lexi playfully rolled her eyes. "He's joking" laughed Pierson.

Everyone partnered up and it was only Lexi and Andrew who didn't have partners. Pierson and Brent both looked at each other and Pierson brought Lexi close to Andrew, "Lexi this is my brother Andrew, Andrew this is Lexi," said Pierson . Andrew gave a cold stare. Lexi gave an awkward smile. "Why don't you 2 partner up" said Pierson. "N-" said Andrew but Pierson interrupted and said "please Andrew,  it's my wedding" she begged.

"Fine" he said. "Okay in 3,2,1" said Pierson. Lexi and Andrew hesitated. "Fuck it" said Andrew and pulled Lexi in. She kissed him with a shocked face and then closed her eyes.

Time passed and only 3 duos had lost so far and it was 2 more to go. A lot of time passed and they were all still kissing. Ben and Hannah vs Lexi and Andrew. "Okay you guys look like you guys aren't budging, so whoever could do the most passionate and best position wins" said Pierson. Lexi pulled Andrew even more by his tie and he tightened his arms around her waist pinning her to the wall.

Ben just put his hand around Hannah's waist while she kissed him.

"And the winner is....Lexi and Andrew" both Brent and Pierson shouted. They stopped kissing out of breath. Andre put his head back while Lexi put her head on his chest trying to catch her breath.

Later on that night, Pierson came up to them. "Are you guys coming to Hawai with us" she asked. Lexi looked at Andrew. "I have important stuff to do" he said. "Cmon Andrew it's only for 2 weeks" she said. "Pierson, I can't" he said coldly. Pierson looked down. "Hey I'll come, maybe I will bring my friend Jeremy" said Lexi. Pierson had a faint smile.

"Fine I'll come" he said. "Really" said Pierson. "Yeah yeah" said Andrew. She hugged him.

They partied and then Lexi went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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