1- Final goodbyes

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You should just die.

Endless amounts of hands shot out, grabbing, ripping, and clawing at skin. It didn't matter how much it hurt or how many times it would happen; Sunny prevailed. Even with the sea of horror threatening to drown him, he pushed forward. It wasn't easy, and it was slowly chipping away at him. Every hit made him weaker, and every time he paused to breathe it only put him further behind.

You should just die.

The hands reached forward once again, again, and again, each time hitting harder than the last.
Inhale... exhale...

You should just die.

One of the red hands went directly for his throat, throwing him to the ground with a heavy thud. Sunny's head spun as he shifted to stand up, but he collapsed to the floor once again. He had to get up, but every movement felt far too heavy, as if he was being held down. His vision clouded, darkness pressing inward and threatening to drown him. In his last futile attempt, he raised his head to meet Omori's gaze. He swore he saw some emotion in Omori's eyes just before he fell unconscious.

Silence, seeming to stretch on forever, before opening up to voices—hundreds of them—calling out to Sunny. They seemingly reverberated off each other, surrounding him. Some were screaming and crying, and everything in between. They were all so desperate to be heard, so desperate for Sunny to stand up and keep fighting. Why? He wasn't strong enough to defeat Omori, so why should he keep fighting an endless battle? Omori was so much more strong-willed than him. But the voices pressed on, and for a split second Sunny thought he could hear Mari's voice.

Mari... Oh how Sunny had missed her. Enough to project her best qualities and moments into his dreams just to see her again. What would she say? She would want him to keep fighting. She'd tell him how brave he'd been, and hug him. He missed her hugs, for his dreams could never fully replicate them.

Sunny's eyes flung open, his heart beat spiking. He had never said goodbye.

The last four years he had never truly accepted that she had gone. Even though he had been pretending she was still alive, she was still in fact dead. It was time to let her go, and the only thing stopping him was Omori.

As if the blanket of darkness that clung onto his body were removed, he slowly brought himself up. His vision cleared, and the shadows that were tucked away into every corner dissipated. Closing his eyes, he readied himself.

Everything fell into place perfectly as Sunny prepared himself to play.

The sound of a piano filled the air, making Sunny jump slightly, before relaxing. Images of his family, his friends and life flashed by as Sunny joined in, playing their final duet.

Every note lasted forever, but passed by too quickly. The song filled the air with warmth, and a newfound sense of peace. Slowly opening his eyes, Sunny could see the outline of Mari besides him, playing away. She looked as young as the day she died, her smile hauntingly familiar.

As the last notes played out, Sunny no longer felt the terrible weight that crushed his entire being. He felt free.
Sunny learned the truth.

The piano falls silent, as Mari begins to fade away. She looks at Sunny one last time, her eyes filled with love and warmth. "I'm proud of you, Sunny," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "I always will be." With that, she disappeared completely, leaving him alone with Omori.

Sunny closes his eyes, tears trailing down his face and onto the violin with a quiet tap. As he turns to face Omori, a sudden pang of sadness overwhelms him. This really was the last time he'd ever see Omori, or Mari. He'd miss him, but it's better to let go of pain than hold on.

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