January: Part 2

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"Someone knocking at the door, Harry. My god, are you deaf?" Liam's voice sounded thought the tiny flat. Harry grumbled, and got up from his position on the couch. He wasn't even sure where Liam was, most likely the kitchen, but the pair were having a "chill day". Liam was off from work, Harry's work was very lenient, and they hadn't spent much time alone together since meeting Louis and the gang. Harry moved down the hallway towards the door slowly, guessing Liam had ordered a pizza or something. The knocking intensified, and Harry picked up his pace. Finally, he reached the door.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, annoyed. He flung the door opened, only to regret immediately that he had sounded the slightest bit angry.

"Jesus mate, good to see you too." It was Niall, dressed very dapper in a button up shirt and nice pants, with the gorgeous Ally all dolled up on his arm. Harry smiled at them uneasily, clearly embarrassed, before noticing though the window that Jade was getting out of the car. She had Louis by the arm, (but Harry's view was blocked the slightest by Jade's fast moving figure) and the two skipped up the sidewalk to the apartment complex's main door.

"What are you all doing here?" Harry questioned.

"We are going on a double date!" Ally told him, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Niall nodded happily in agreement, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to Ally's temple. Then, the doors to Harry's little hallways were flung opened, and Jade ran down to meet the group at the front door.

"There you are! What a weird place you live in, Harry!" Jade smiled, before pushing past Harry and entering the house. Harry gasped, but realized he was defeated. There was no way to get Jade out now.

"Jade?" He called back behind him. Ally and Niall were still standing out in the hallway, laughing at Harry. He heard Jade call out to him, in nothing close to English, so he continued to talk. "Why are you in my house?"

"To babysit Liam while you go out on your date with Princess Lou, duh." She responded. Harry heard a yell of surprise from Liam, followed by a groan. Those two were the weirdest pair he'd ever met.

"And where is Louis?" Harry continued, still with his head facing the inside of his house.

"Here I am!" Harry whipped his head around, and was met by the beautiful sight of Louis standing there. He was all done up, most likely by the girls again, with his fringe styled up a bit higher than usual. He had a blinding white sweater hanging off of his small body, accompanied by his much dressier pair of black jeans. Instead of his normal vans, he wore a pair of black boots, which came right below the ankles (that you could see perfectly, since his jeans were crisply cuffed right above the ankle). Finally, adorning his head, Louis wore one of his new purple flower crowns that Perrie had made him for his birthday. He was a sight to behold, like always.

"Oh, Lou. You look stunning, darling!" Harry gushed, leaning out of the door to grab his hand and kiss it. It made Louis blush, before he stood back and hid behind Ally and Niall.

"So, you need to go get dressed because we are not letting you go to a nice restaurant in your pajamas." Ally scolded. Harry only shrugged, which brought laughter from Louis. He ushered them in the door, and sprinted off to his room, to find something to wear.

Once finished, Harry returned to the living room, only to see everyone was ready to go. He said a quick goodbye to Liam and Jade, who were both loving and hating being stuck together for the night, and the two coupes were off.

(It's been a while. But I'm back into this story. I needed a break. I'm so sorry.)

"Why won't you let ME get a milkshake?" Niall whined to Ally. He was referring to how Louis had ordered only a milkshake to eat at the restaurant. Harry and Ally had cooed at the sight of little Louis ordering himself a milkshake. But when Niall tried to order one, he was met with a smack to the head from Ally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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