January: Part 1

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(This is a continuation of the last chapter (December Part 10), since at midnight, it became January! If you haven't, please read that first. Don't forget to leave lots of comments! I love you reactions, questions, and input!)

The party didn't last much longer after that. The girls were quick to recruit Ally into their group, and claimed she needed to go to their house to bond right away. Niall happily obliged, because the thought of Ally fitting in with all of his friends was great. Zayn let everyone know that himself and Niall were going to Liam's house, which made Liam beam from the fact that he now had "buddies". This left only Harry, Louis, and Ashton, which Harry assumed would end problematically. He ended up huffing and going to sit in Louis' room, while Ashton and Louis "caught up".

To say Harry was mad would not be the appropriate word choice. Sure, he was mad that Louis was not paying much attention to him, but that was understandable. Louis had a short attention span, and hadn't seen Ashton in person since they graduated high school. But that wasn't what had Harry upset. Harry was more upset that Zayn seemingly brought Ashton here to mess with him. Zayn knew that Harry was unsettled by the thought of "Louis+Ashton", and yet Zayn still made it seem like that Ashton was here to sweep Louis off his feet. Maybe Ashton was right. Maybe Harry had no claim as Louis' boyfriend. Maybe he wasn't what was right for Louis. Then again, he couldn't deny how happy he made Louis; the way Louis lit up around him and was so willing to make Harry happy. That had to count for something, didn't it?

Suddenly, there was a bang as the door was flung opened. Harry jerked his head up from where he was sitting cross-legged on Louis' fluffy bed. There was Ashton at the door, his booming laugh seeming to beat in Harry's chest, with precious Louis on his back. Louis was giggling, singing Let It Go at the top of his lungs. Ashton jumped as he moved across the room towards the bed, and it made Louis squeak as he was thrown the slightest bit. Harry felt the tiniest pang of jealousy in his chest as he saw how tightly Ashton's hands gripped onto Louis' thighs. Ashton then approached the bed, just as Louis reached the high note of the song, and he dropped onto the lacy blankets with a thud. Louis laughed out loud as he bounced on the bed from the force of being dropped, before finishing the song.

"That was beautiful, LouBoo!" Ashton faked a posh accent, clapping his hands for Louis. Louis only blushed and giggled more from the praise, which made Ashton smile wide. Harry was about to get up off the bed, before Louis' wide eyes met his. Harry stared at him for a moment, watching how the blue twinkled as his face contorted into a blinding smile.

"Harry!" Louis squealed, crawling across the bed. Harry's eyes widened at the sudden show of affection, but didn't protest. Louis quickly scrambled into Harry's lap, and nuzzled his head into Harry's neck.

"Hi baby, what's this? You're feeling cuddly now?" Harry questioned, running a hand across Louis' cheek. Louis only giggled and nodded in reply, burrowing in closer to Harry.

"He missed you." Ashton said. He sat down on the other side of the bed, watching Harry closely. "I've never seen him so eager to go see someone."

"You were only in the other room." Harry stated. Louis giggled at that, putting his tiny hand up against Harry's chest.

"I know." Ashton smiled at Louis, who blushed and hid his face in Harry's shoulder. Harry put his hand over the hand Louis had on his chest, and it made Louis squeal. "He wanted to watch a movie."

"Lou! You silly boy." Harry fake scolded, using his fee hand to tickle him under the chin. Louis was a blushing mess, and it made Harry's heart swell. "It's so late. It's almost 1."

Louis' bright eyes widened, as he looked up at Harry. "In the morning??" Harry nodded in response, causing Louis to "ooh".

"He's not tired, are you Lou?" Ashton asked. He moved closer to Harry and Louis, which had Harry tightening his hold on Louis' hand. He snaked he free arm around Louis' waist, and Louis' blush set in deeper.

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