A Brief Explanation....

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(Skip ahead to the "*" for a little Drabble. If you don't want to read about me.)

Hello my lovelies.

Yes, it is Lilly! Back from the dead.

It's been over 2 months since my last update. Not that I usually update a lot. But none the less, let me explain.

I never planned to have such a sparse amount of updates. It's pretty hypocritical of me. Since I can't stand when the fanfics I read are like that. But it just kind of happened... No pun intended. I fell I to the habit of putting off writing, making it seem like it was a chore.

I have so much schoolwork as well, and balancing it and finding time is very hard.

Then I put my mind to it, and realized I love to write. And it shouldn't be a chore. And I want to find time.

BUT THEN, dear readers, this mysterious adventure took a sharp turn into "wow Lilly is really self-conscious!!!" Sort of thing.

Confused? Same. Let me delve into it further.

I started reading so many other fanfictions, and loving them. Then, I got to comparing them to my own story, this thing right here.

And I realized my story is one heck of a mess.

I hate it, I do.

But as previously stated, I don't have time. So I'm not going back to rewrite anything.

I am honestly so sorry.... You are all stuck with this stupid book.

Also while comparing, I started to realize how much I led the realistic larry stories.

And how mine is the furthest thing from realistic. It just makes me mad that my story is so lame, and all of you have to read it.

So I haven't been writing. Not for a while. Honestly, I felt like none of you cared, which is so understandable. I'm really annoying, how do you guys deal? Haha.

But I saw a few comments, asking for me, telling me they loved my writing style, my characters, my way with words. More importantly, they told me they loved me. And that felt amazing.

LET ME BE QUITE CLEAR RIGHT NOW. I am NOT here to get your pity, and I am NOT here to dump my problems into you all.

But I think you deserve to know that I have a lot going on right now, and that I am not doing the best emotionally.
I am doing better. I have my friends who love me no matter what. I have (as mozzarella cheesy as this is,) the boys, and my girls. (That's 1D, 5H, and LM for you SWINE just kidding ilyyyy). And I have you guys. Yeah, there aren't many of you that really talk to me, but now there are ONE THOUSAND OF YOU LITTLE BEBES AND I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER.

You are not obligated to say anything to me. I get it, you just want my writings. I know. And I'm getting there. For you all.

SOOOOO, if any of you would like to talk, introduce yourselves! Talk to my other readers! Talk to me! I! LOVE! TALKING!!

The comment section is open here for anything.

So is my message board, and my inbox for anything more private (OR IF YOU WANT TO SEND ME FOOD wait that can't happen this is wattpad Lilly get it together)


so no, this isn't an update. This is an explanation for everything. I'm sorry everyone, and things are going to get better from here.

and to MAKE UP FOR YOUR TROUBLES, here is a little tidbit of my Louis and Harry talking to everyone!

"Darling, come say hello to the nice people reading Lilly's story!" Harry laughed, as he waited for Louis to appear. He only heard a little mumble, coming from across the room.

"Louis, don't worry baby, they all love you!" Harry tried again. He listened for a response, and finely heard the padding of footsteps coming towards him.

"There you are! Now look, all these people are waiting for you to say hi! And you can't see them... Nothing to be scared of love!" Harry pulled Louis in, both intently watching the screen. Harry saw Louis' eyes widen as they saw the words being typed onto the screen, Lilly out there typing everything.

"Will she make me sound like a baby?" Louis questioned, pulling the sleeves of his jumper tight. Harry could restrain his laughter at this, since Louis was ALWAYS a little baby; that wasn't Lilly's doing.

"Oh no Louis. Only a big, strong, MANLY MAN will she make of you!" Louis giggled at that, and Harry pressed his lips into Louis' hair. "Now, what would you like to say to them?"

"Uh... Hi." Louis started, giggling at the fact that he was talking to no one, yet hundreds of people were going to read his words. "I'm Louis. This book is all about Harry. He's my... Friend. Who gives me kisses and tickles and makes me feel like I am special. He's sweet to me. Do you all like him? I do. I like all my friends! I hope everyone out there does. Even Zayn, and Ashton, even though I know Harry secretly HATES them!"

"I don't hate anyone, Lou." Harry scoffed. His smile widened when Louis stuck his tongue out at him.

"Anyway, before I was RUDELY interrupted by a big, curly, giant, I was saying that I hope you enjoy our stories. Soon I think Lilly will be telling you all about our Christmas and how everything got all crazy! But no spoilers, I won't spoil Harry's story for you all like Niall spoiled Harry Potter for me."

"EVERYONE KNEW DUMBLEDORE WOULD DIE SOMETIME, LOUIS." Niall yelled, cackling with laughter.

"So, I will apologize for our Lilly. She gets so nervous of writing sometimes! I don't know why, she makes Harry sound like an angel! That's good." Louis smiled contently. Harry, finally done staring at his boy in awe, chimed in.

"And makes Louis sound like the princess he is. After all, this is actually a story about Louis. 'A Winter With Lou.'"

"What about the spring? And summer? What, do I only survive in the winter?" Louis said sarcastically.

"Shush Louis! No talking about sequels yet.... No spoilers!" Harry took Louis' hand, and squeezed it once. "Now, let's go darling. We don't want to keep Lilly's lovely readers here all night. And I think Lilly is supposed to be sleeping anyways."

"Ok!" Louis told Harry, leaning into him. "But first, readers, if you have any questions for me, or Harry, leave them in the comments below! Address them to us and we will answer! Yay!"

"Say goodbye, baby." Harry smiled.

"Goodbye, baby!" Louis was laughing, all smiles and a happy face.

"Thank you readers. For making my boy so happy."

And the 2 boys were gone.


Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,

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