Chapter 1: Operation Meteor

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Open in a small compartment only illuminated by the light of a screen showing the vague appearance of the cockpit's occupant a teenage boy with blue eyes wearing a pilot suit.  He receives a call from the man who prepared him for this mission.

  He receives a call from the man who prepared him for this mission

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(Just imagine Hiro wearing the same pilot suit as Heero.)

???: "Remember your mission?"

???: "Yes, drop to earth and destroy APE no matter the cost."

???: "Yes but remember your secondary objective."

???: "Secure Zero Two by any means necessary."

Meanwhile on earth

Inside Plantation 13 Dr FranXX and one of his assistants Nana look on a monitor and see five meteors heading towards earth in different locations.

Dr FranXX: "So what exactly am I looking at?"

Nana: "We detected it a few hours ago but the strangest part is their point of origin. The moon."

Dr FranXX: "The moon you say how interesting."

Nana: "Should we call command?"

Dr FranXX: "No, not yet we don't know what this is.  For all we know it's just debris."

POV Ichigo

A petite blue haired girl is currently wandering around the birdcage reading a book about the mythical phoenix.

A petite blue haired girl is currently wandering around the birdcage reading a book about the mythical phoenix

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Ichigo: "The phoenix a bird of fire said to be reborn from the ashes.  A bird that can never be tamed or caged.  I guess you're a lot like that aren't you Hiro."

Ichigo looks up at the moon.

Ichigo: "How long has it been now since you've disappeared?  Five years?  I wonder where you went."

Meanwhile in the wasteland

A Klaxosaur is marching its way in the direction of Plantation 13 its hulking black and blue body striking contrast against the dessert but unfortunately it's mission is brought to an abrupt end when a meteor crushes it on impact.

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