Chapter 2: Duel with the Deathscythe

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Open on Plantation 4 as its outer wall is suddenly breached by an unseen assailant the only thing seen clearly being its weapon a beam scythe. The whole Plantation is sent into chaos as Squad 4 is deployed inside the city to find their mysterious intruder.

  The whole Plantation is sent into chaos as Squad 4 is deployed inside the city to find their mysterious intruder

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Squad leader: "Be careful everyone. The intruder is invisible on almost every kind of radar including magma energy radar. Nana could only detect it using heat scanners and even then just barely."

Squad 4 Pistle: "Is it some new type of Klaxosaur?"

Squad 4 leader: "No, if it was we could've detected it using our normal instruments."

The squad hears something moving close by.

Squad 4 leader: "Stay close."

Suddenly their FranXX's comms start picking up static before a voice cuts through.

???: "If any of you value your lives you'll leave and run for the hills.  I really don't want to kill any kids.  Now you gotta ask yourself how much are your lives all worth?  Are they worth enough for you to run for the hills and pretend you never met me?  Or do you value your lives so little you would discard them like nothing."

Squad 4 leader: "Who is this!?  Show yourself immediately!"

Code 085 and 555: "Screw this!!!!"

One of the FranXX exits through the hole and runs off into the wasteland.

Squad 4 leader: "Code 085, 555 get back here this instant unless you want to be charged with desertion!"

???: "Looks like at least two of you were smart enough to leave."

Squad 4 leader: "Show yourself this instant!"

Suddenly one of the squad 4 FranXX are bisected down the middle by a glowing green beam scythe.  Their deaths were instantaneous.  The whole Squad looks in terror as magma energy splatters all over their FranXX almost like blood.  It is then that their unknown assailant reveals himself.

  It is then that their unknown assailant reveals himself

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