Chapter 3: Battle of the Gundams

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Plantation 66, AC195 April 7, G-day

FranXX squad 66 is left in ruins their FranXX filled with bullet holes leaking out Magma Energy their cockpits blown apart.  The only survivor being Plantation 66's leaders Code 756 and Code 888 who are in the middle of a Mexican standoff with the perpetrator of their Squad's destruction.  The Gundam Heavy Arms.

Code 756: "Spacian scum

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Code 756: "Spacian'll pay for killing our friends!"

???: "I told you to stand down.  But you didn't listen.  The death of your squad is on you."

The Heavy Arms opens fire on the FranXX its bullets boring into its armor before exploding killing the pair of parasites.

???: "Now to destroy the Plantation.  My unit's heavy armor should protect me from the explosion."

The Heavy Arms makes its way to the outer wall of Plantation 66 blowing a hole in the wall with rockets.  The Heavy Arms is shot at by the Plantation's automatic defenses as the airbase situated on top of the base attempts to evacuate.  Unfortunately for everyone the Heavy Arms ignores the automatic defenses and locks onto the Magma Energy reactor with its targeting system.

???: "Target locked.  Firing guided missiles."

The Heavy Arms launches guided missles from silos in its shoulders the missiles blasting through the Plantation and landing a direct hit on the reactor causing it to go critical and explode.  The Heavy Arms and its pilot however seem barely phased as while it retreats the Heavy Arms is caught in the resulting explosion however the Gundam remains unharmed.

???: "Trowa Barton: mission complete.  Proceeding to phase 2 of the operation."

Present day Squad 13 caravan

Mitsuru is hold up in his tent alone thinking on what he learned yesterday that Hiro their friend long thought dead at the hands of the Spacians is not only alive but has joined the Spacians and is piloting the very Gundam that destroyed Plantation 13.

Mitsuru: "Why Hiro? Why betray Papa, betray us? I don't understand, don't you remember our promise?"

???: "Mitsuru it's Ichigo. Can I come in?"

Mitsuru: "You may."

Ichigo enters the tent seeing Mitsuru who clearly looks stressed with bags under his eyes it's clear he hasn't slept since the fight against the Wing Gundam and Gundam Deathscythe.

Ichigo: "You haven't been the same since the battle with the Gundams. Did something happen?"

Mitsuru: 'Should I tell her the truth? No. Out of all of us Ichigo was closest to Hiro if she knew the truth she'd crumble but I can't just lie to her.'

Mitsuru takes a deep breath before speaking.

Mitsuru: "I think I know who the Wing Gundam's pilot is..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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