10) icebreakers (get it?)

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"So Cal, you like rock paper scissors?"

Cal had his hands behind him and a rigid stance, like he was waiting for the two of them to jump him at any minute. "What is paper rock scissor?"

"A game,and I'm bored out my mind."

Cal snorted. "I have no time for silly game girl. Go talk to dragon boy."

She huffed and flipped herself around with her hands. She was criss cross applesauce and dragged her herself to where Leo was sketching the ice with a tool of his. It was a girl.

"Not bad," she piped. "Who is...oh."
It was that girl with the long black hair who had a stern look on her features.

Ada breathed out. "She's pretty." Ada commented to herself, because you couldn't lie - she was. Ada shuffled and began to draw in the ice herself with no idea in mind.

"Dark hair is nice. Very straight." Ada added, kind of talking to herself.

Leo agreed, which did not make Ada feel better.

Ada internally felt a little upset about this. Dark and straight hair was directly opposite of hers. Did her best friend not like it? That doesn't matter - no, it does. Her mind fought against itself. Subconsciously, she tried to straighten out her hair with her free hand, and Leo took no hint and drew more into the ground. It was starting to look very accurate.

She wasn't paying attention at all to what she was etching into the ice with her nails. She just let her thoughts wander mindlessly about this that and the other, while trying to ignore the thousands of overthinking thoughts that would pester her.

Ada snapped out with a quiet sigh. She placed her hands next to the picture and her hair cascaded like a curtain to block her peripherals and took her nail away from the icy ground and looked over her drawing. Almost immediately, she hitched her breath and scribbled it out as fast as humanly possible. Her hand swiped across the icy shatters and she winced in pain and clutched her hand.

Simultaneously, Ada had become clumsily angry with herself.


Leo turned Adas scratches in the ground. His eyes wandered to her hand and scooted over to her quickly.

"Ah jeez, Ada! You cut yourself up bad..." Leo didn't like the blood (even if it was a very small amount) because it made him nervous. Truthfully, the cut was very small. Cut up bad was an overreaction. Who cares? Leo ruffled through his tool belt, because he swore there was a handkerchief in there.

After countless pocket pat downs, Leo finally pulled a white, slightly ancient handkerchief and tightly fastened it around her palm.

"Do you think it'll leave a scar?"

"Pfft, nah. It wasn't actually a bad cut. I was just enjoying the moment of being able to lecture you. Very rare occasion for me."

Ada smiled at that and clutched her hand close. Leo peeked his head at her destroying drawing with curiousness. "Who you drawing?"

Ada spoke a bit too quickly. "Uh... my brother! Yeah, yeah my brother. I miss him is all."

Leo in his obliviousness, didn't catch her faltering words and obvious lies.

"You haven't told me alot about him." Leo asked, tilting his head.

When Leo thought about it, Ada and him really knew nothing about each other. Leo didn't know her past, and she didn't know his. Did she enjoy her childhood, or was she subject to demigod hell like he was? That thought made him a little uneasy.

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