Chapter 3: Chem save

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     "Oh no!! What do I do?? Ugh I need to save them now!" While twilight was panicking she completely missed the young girl trying to help. Her name was Kaisa. People were typically scared of her because they thought she was creepy but she was a very smart, pretty and nice girl. Twilight slammed her head against her water bottle "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She was incredibly frustrated. Twilight was autistic and that was what helped her calm down her nerves. Twilight turned around to see a pretty girl using magic to hold the giantess back. 

     The giantess was tall and muscular, she had black straight hair and she was pale. She was extremely pretty and hot. Her arms were perfectly toned and muscular and so was the rest of her body, especially her butt. she looked so powerful and that not only made Twilight scared but it also made her conflicted. She felt nervous around the tall girl. Twilight had never seen the girl before but she still felt familiar. she felt her face flush and then she hurt her friends cry out her name. she shook her head cartoonishly almost as if to shake away the naughty thoughts about the girl.

Twilight wasn't sure what to do to save her friends. She thought about it for a while and then she decided that she would run back to the chemistry classroom to see if there was some science that she could use to stop The giantess.

Twilight sprinted down the Halls trying to get to the chemistry room as quickly as possible she rummaged through her backpack looking for any science that she could use to try and save her friends. "That's it! I'll make a giantess potion of my own to save them!" Twilight then began to prepare the potion. 

Giantess twilightWhere stories live. Discover now