[ANIMATIC] - lurker.

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requested by Kieryoh ! hope you enjoy :3

sorry if its out of character, this is my first time writing for Animatic ^_^ ;;

btw instead of Y/N its O/N (object name) jus thought u guys should kno :D

word count: 1361

You sat on the ground, feeling the grass on your fingertips. You didn't know where exactly you were or if you were still on Earth; you kinda just showed up out of nowhere, honestly. All you knew was that you were competing on some show as a replacement for a now "exterminated" contestant. You assumed the weird voice that you heard before arriving here meant "eliminated," but you weren't sure at the time. You still aren't sure if it meant something else, but frankly you don't care anymore.

You were randomly placed on a team called "benjamin." You were a bit confused by the team name; who the hell names their team benjamin? The other team names you heard during passing weren't as good either. Who was coming up with these team names and why were they so idiotically stupid?

Your teammates weren't so ideal either. You thought they were all a tad bit.. eh. Not exactly ideal members for a team, to be honest.

You'll be fine, you assured yourself in your mind. All you have to do is get exterminated or whatever and you'll be free from this mess.

Which is why you were sitting on the ground instead of doing the challenge.

The challenge, apparently, was to survive. Survive from who? The caffeinated, insane, murderous host whose name was supposedly "Animatic" (again, you heard their name during passing.) You figured that if you just sat out, far, far away from your team and also everyone else, you'd survive. What a great plan, you.

You began to get bored of just sitting down, though. What could you do that wouldn't risk you getting killed by Animatic?

You sat up and began to ponder as you wandered around in a circle for a while like a dumbass.

As you wandered and wandered aimlessly, you managed to come up and execute a total of 2 ideas. How plentiful. This definitely helped clear your boredom!

Unfortunately it did not. One of these activities almost resulted in your death, in fact.

You first decided to climb one of the abnormally colored trees scattered around the landscape. You managed to sit on a branch and got a good view of what was happening in the distance. Some exclamation mark entity tried to fight Animatic, but failed horribly. What a shame, you were even rooting for them too! You also saw a couple of your teammates scurry off to some hiding spot to get away. While they hid over where that fiendish host was, you were up on a branch being cool as hell.

You then proceeded to fall off the branch shortly after. Ouch.

You then decided to just pick at the grass for a bit, which proved to be a pretty bad idea. You narrowly avoided being shot at by Doorstopper and SPAS-12. You also managed to avoid being caught by Animatic. After those two close encounters you just sat down on the grass instead of doing anything else. You couldn't risk being caught again.

As you sat, you began to grow weary. Trying to evade being caught really was tiring. Surely it wouldn't hurt to just take a small nap, would it...?

You decided to sleep anyways, hoping that Animatic didn't decide to come back to perform a thorough investigation on the area.

Animatic then proceeded to come back around and perform a (not so) thorough investigation on the area, scaring the living hell out of you.

"So THAT'S where you were!!!" He grinned. It was a shocker to see him not mutilate you immediately, "I didn't even NOTICE that you left!" He added. He was being unusually jovial around you and you didn't know why.

"What a clever person you are!!!" He exclaimed, waiting for you to respond.

You thanked him, albeit being a bit uncomfortable about this whole situation.

He stared at you for a couple seconds before responding, "That sentence was nice! Bye bye now!" He smiled before proceeding to mutilate you, just like he did with the other unfortunate ones. Luckily, the death was rather quick, so you didn't have to endure that much pain. Maybe he did that intentionally?


After being dead for god knows how long, you, along with all the other dead contestants, finally got recovered. It seemed that your team wasn't up for "extermination," which was fine-ish. You barely even knew half of these people anyways.

You decided to stray away from the others again to go do whatever until the next challenge started. You were bored yet again.

Instead of climbing trees or picking at the grass again, you just wandered in an arbitrary direction. Walking and listening to the lack of wildlife, staring and observing at seemingly nothing in particular, that's all you did.

On some occasions you'd hear a faint rustling or see a dash of white and blue every now and then. It spooked you for the first time but over the span of 5 or so minutes you got pretty bored of it. It was pretty obvious who was stalking after you anyways. It was that same host that killed you quickly and brutally a bit ago. What did he want from you?

After a while you decided to sit down, walking was getting tiring anyways. You sat there for a good minute or so, just enveloped in peace and serenity, which was something you needed after the events of today. That brief window of peace was quickly broken by the sound of Animatic greeting you in an unusually happy tone, "HI [O/N]!"

That scared the shit out of you. Where did he even come from?

You looked over, waving at him uncomfortably. What did he want this time? Was he gonna kill you again or something?

Instead of doing that, however, he just sat down next to you, all criss-cross and stuff. "Why are you all the way out here? Shouldn't you go back and play with your friend-friend-buddy-fun pals??" He questioned you curiously.

You shook your head in response.

"Why not?" He questioned further, trying to gauge more answers out of you.

You just stayed quiet. You had your reasons for being so far away, you weren't obligated to tell him anything.

After a bit of uncomfortable silence, you decided to speak up.

You asked him why he kept lurking around and stalking you all the time.

"I just think you're nifty is all!" He grinned, "I rarely get to see you! You should come see me more often." He added happily.

So that's why he lingered around? Just because he liked you?

You took a moment to let that information sink in. This murderous, downright psychopathic reality show host liked you? Out of all of the other contestants?

"Well, that's enough messing around for now!" He stood up, "Time to go back!"

You tried to object to that, but you were already back at the main grounds before you could say anything. God damnit.

You looked around for a moment, it seemed like everyone else was off doing their own thing with their own designated teams. How great. You didn't even know where your team was!

After a bit of searching, you managed to spot your team, and they managed to spot you too. They then called you over for something. What for? You didn't know, but you were about to find out. As you got up to approach them, you noticed Animatic lurking again. You were still kind of pissed about him sending you back, so you shot him a slightly annoyed glare. He didn't seem to react negatively, he just smiled and waved at you. You swore you could hear him shouting "HI [O/N]!!!" again.

Your expression softened, you couldn't stay mad at him. He was the only one who really took the time to converse with you. He even liked you! You cracked a small smile, waving back at him. He seemed to like that interaction a lot.

You heard your teammates call for you once again, and you waved him goodbye. You then made your way over to your team, wondering what they had to say to you this time.

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