Chapter 6

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Our first show went great, although I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous. I thought with so much tension between Lauren, Camila, and Normani that the show would go wrong but they acted as if nothing was going on, but unfortunately I knew the truth. I was backstage after the show and I heard someone talking about our show. I realized that it was Mandy but I wasn't sure who she was talking to. I walked over to my purse to retrieve my phone when I noticed Camila laying in Mandy's lap looking at her phone while Mandy ran her fingers through Camila's hair.

"I think instead of serenading a guy harmonizer you guys should serenade a girl harmonizer instead" Mandy said.

That reminded me of how I made sure that the guy felt comfortable when we sang All Of Me by John Legend to him and I noticed how the guy gave a kiss on a cheek to Camila and how Camila was really flirtatious with him. Lauren stared at Camila extra hard, but I knew that Camila was trying to get Lauren's attention. Normani and Dinah walked in and Lauren came in too, but she made sure to stay hidden in the back so that Camila wouldn't see her.

"Why do you think we should serenade the girls instead of the guys?" I asked taking my phone out of my purse and saw that I had ten messages and five missed calls all from Troy.

"Do I really have to tell you guys why you should serenade the girls instead of the guys? I mean it's really obvious. Your fan base consists of a lot of girls" Mandy said.

"So..." Normani said.

Mandy chuckled. "Are you guys fully aware that 75% of your fan base are lesbians? If they aren't then there are straight people who would turn gay just for you. Have you guys seen the comments on your Instagram photos? I mean fans are literally telling you to fuck them" Mandy said.

"There's guy fans too" Dinah said.

"Yeah there are but there's more females than anything. You guys are basically like sex symbols. It's like how Demi Lovato's fan base is where it consists mostly of females and they aren't there just because she can sing. They find her to be fucking hot" Mandy said.

Camila put down her phone and traced Mandy's jaw with her finger. "Do you find me to be fucking hot?" Camila asked seductively.

"I barely get those comments. I only get them if I'm in a bikini or showing off my abs" Normani said.

Mandy stopped staring at Camila to address Normani. "Oh that's because most of the comments go to Lauren whenever she posts a picture on Instagram or Camila or Dinah but mostly Lauren because everyone thinks she's a lesbian but we don't tell her that to her face. We just go along with her cover up as Luis being her boyfriend until they finally break up" Mandy said.

Camila started to laugh. "Well at least our fans aren't oblivious to something that is so obvious" Camila said.

I looked over to spot where Lauren was standing at but there was no one there. I had to talk to Lauren and Camila but I needed to know what was going on with Troy. I immediately dialed his number and walked away from the girls into the hall.

"Hello?" Troy said.

"Hey babe I just got your messages. Is everything okay?" I said.

"Ally you know we can talk about anything and work things out right?" Troy said.

"Yeah... what's wrong?" I ask.

"Am I not enough for you or is our relationship hard on you?" Troy asked.

"No... our relationship isn't hard on me. I love you and that will never change. What's going on Troy? You're scaring me" I said.

"Um... okay... did you have feelings for Lauren?" Troy asked.

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