Chapter One

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Mornings suck.

Especially when 10 month olds don't know how to sleep in. So instead of rushing to get ready when my alarm goes off at seven, here I was sitting at one of the campus cafes at six thirty in the morning.

Campus was nice at this time in the morning, there were barely any students out and about which means Oaklyn and I had the cafe to ourselves besides the two workers. I pick up my coffee and take a sip as I look down at Oakyln in her pram, she was bundled up in her pyjamas still and was happily sucking on her binky while looking around.

I was lucky when the school board let me continue on with my schooling with Oaklyn in tow, as long as I kept up my grades and kept distrutions to a minimal. We had only been back at school for around a month now and it was going smoothly.

Seeing as I had a baby I wasn't allowed in the shared dorms which I didn't mind because I was allocated a slightly bigger dorm just for the two of us to live out of. My parents had offered to get us a apartment off campus but living on campus was easier for the both of us.

"Lilah" I look up to see one of my good friends Jake walking towards us, he was dressed in his work out attire meaning he had just come from the gym, being a Tuesday meant the football team had a gym work out early in the morning.

"Hey Jake, surprised to see you walking" I joke as he took a seat across from me and pulled Oaklyn's pram towards him so he could make faces at the baby. "Coach wasn't too harsh today thankfully" Jake replied as he reached across to grab my coffee but I quickly swat his hand away.

"The counter is over there, go order your own" Jake huffed and went and ordered his own coffee before sitting back down. "I see Oaky had you up early again" I nod my head and finish the last of my coffee before putting it back down on the table.

"Of course, she's always up early" Jake let out a little laugh before looking over at the cafe door as the bell went off meaning somebody had walked in, I look over as I hear the guy chatter to see what looked like half the football team walking in.

"And that's my cue to leave" I tell Jake who started whining but I shook my head at him not wanting to be around so many people with Oaklyn. I haven't really spoken to many people since returning and I didn't feel like hearing their disgust about me having a baby at college.

I bid Jake goodbye as some of his teammates noticed him and started walking over to our table. "Say bye Jakey" Oaklyn let out a little squeak and waved her little hand at Jake who returned the gesture.

I dodge the massive football players with the pram as we made our way out, I tried not to look at any of them incase they were looking down at me. Once we were outside safely I pull my phone out of my pocket to see it was already seven thirty so I started the walk to my first lecture of the day.

I was here studying Medicine, I've always wanted to work in the medical department, not really sure where and doing what exactly. I guess I'll see where this takes me and decide in the future.

It didn't take long for me to reach where I needed to be, I was a little early but the room was unlocked so I headed inside and took a front row seat off to the side so I had room to put Oaklyn's pram without it being in the way.

The last few lectures the room hasn't been overly full so I didn't have to worry about it too much. Once I had to pram parked I sit down and pull my laptop and notebook out from under the pram and open it up getting ready for the lecture to1st start in around fifteen minuets.

While my laptop was loading I look in the pram to see Oaklyn was sound asleep, I smile softly and take a photo of her before putting a cover over her pram so it was slightly darker in hopes she slept for the entire lecture or most of it at least.

Slowly the room started filling up and it got louder from the chatter, I reach my foot over and rock the pram slightly in hopes it kept Oaklyn settled and she ignored the sudden noise. Before I knew it the professor walked in and begun the lecture so I stopped rocking the pram and focused on what he was teaching.


"Oaklyn shh bubba" I try and sooth the fussy baby. It was nearly noon which meant she was getting hungry for actual actual not the bottle I kept trying to give her. I was in my second class of the day and she was starting to distrupt the class so I start packing up to get out of there. "Pass her here" I look up as I was trying to put my things away to see one of the football players standing in front of me.

I only knew he was part of the football team because he was wearing a grey UCLA bruins sweatshirt, I mean anybody could purchase and wear them but he had the football player body. I had to quickly look away from him as I might have started to drool and shake my head at his request.

"I'll just be out the door, you can focus on the class and I'll watch her" I go to decline his offer again but I notice the professor starting to become irrated at the crying baby and Oaklyn the traitor was reaching out to muscle man.

I let out a sigh and pass my baby girl over to the guy, whose name I didn't even know. He gave me a friendly smile and took Oaklyn out the door. With his back to me I take a good look at him, to see he had what looked to be dirty blonde hair under his backwards cap and on the back of his sweatshirt was the number 4 and the last name COOPER printed in the back. 

Luckily there was a large window off to the side and he decided to stay around that area letting me keep an eye on them while the lesson continued.

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