Sisyphus's Kin

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Day 21

Purple Team: Cloth, Dirt, Gold, Ice, Metal, Paint, Vine

Paint awoke with a big yawn and an even bigger stretch. The floor of the beach "house" was filled with sawdust, seaweed and other filth that seeped into his body and floated around inside of him.
The sorry shack was just barely big enough to fit all seven of them, but it was better than sleeping on the rocks. The shelter that the cove provided them meant that they could have low quality walls.

Paint sat up and surveyed the shack. Dirt was sleeping with his back against the wall and hat covering his face, while Ice and Metal were sleeping with their backs against each other. Vine was hanging upside down from a board in the ceiling like a, well, vine, and Gold was face-first into the floorboards, snoring louder than anyone else.

The only one left unaccounted for was Cloth.

He let out an annoyed sigh, knowing he had to talk to her. The elimination last night had an unsatisfying conclusion, so he wanted to know for sure if his ally's vote aligned with his.
Slowly, Paint stood up and made his way to the door, which was really just a bunch of seaweed hanging from a small opening in the wall.

He brushed it aside with a single hand and began walking down the rocky shore away from the shack. It was early in the morning, so he doubted she'd have gone far.
After just a minute of walking, he found himself proven right. Cloth sat on a particularly large stone, looking at the waves.

"Couldn't sleep?" Paint asked loudly as he began to approach, which caused her to turn her head in his direction. "Gold's snoring is pretty obnoxious, but hanging out here isn't much better."

"That boy's snoring is the least of my worries." Cloth said, looking away.

"It's the least of mine, too." Paint reached his arms up for the ledge of the stone and pulled himself up as well. "I'm more concerned about the STUPID vote last night."

Cloth tensed up. "Well, you're still here, so get over it."
Paint raised a single brow and crossed his arms. "You voted for Dirt, didn't you?"

She opened her mouth, ready to lie her way out of it, before pausing. "I was gonna make something up, but I already know you won't believe it. I voted for him."

Paint let out an annoyed groan. "This game would be so much easier if people didn't flip flop so much. Why would you vote for him and not Ice like I told you to?"

"Because he's a traitorous hillbilly?" Cloth's tone grew defensive. "Plus he's probably racist. All country boys are."

Paint didn't relent, judging by how his voice grew louder. "Oh, grow up, Cloth! Dirt betrayed you, like, two weeks ago! Besides, Paper didn't even get eliminated then."

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" Cloth crossed her arms and turned her back on him.

"No, you look like a truck ran you over, you ripped up towel!" Paint spat.

A silence fell upon the two.

". . Pretend I didn't say that. I was mad." Paint said as he awkwardly rubbed his arm. "But still, you voted with your heart last night. Not your brain. Why do you take betrayal so seriously anyways?"

Cloth let out a 'hmph'. "What makes you think I owe you my life story?"

Paint stepped around Cloth so that he was now in front of her and she could see his face. "Because, with Paper gone, I'm your biggest ally in this game, so we need to work together here!"

Cloth just stared at him, and didn't say anything.

Paint rolled his eyes. ". . At the very least, promise me that next time we'll use our heads when we vote and not our emotions."
She smirked. "If you promise me you'll get rid of that nasty apron."

"Wh-" Paint looked down at his paint-covered apron as Cloth got back up and began walking towards the shack. "My apron is not nasty!"


"Jesus!" Paint yelled, looking around at the now ruined confessional. The wooden walls were soaked by the rain and the roof was practically gone. "This place is a dump now!" He exclaimed, looking at the camera. "Does this thing even work anymore?"
". . Damn it. Forgot what I was even gonna say."

The Morning-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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