The Contestants

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A 5'5 woman whose body is entirely composed out of green acid. She wears a cheap t-shirt, cargo shorts, and boots that are not melted by her body.

5'7 tall and composed out of a mossy green shade of clay. He wears a letterman jacket and athletic pants. His body is a little wet and sticky.

Composed of old and torn quilts, Cloth is quite chaotic-looking. Half of her face is ripped off- exposing the cotton underneath and leaving her only with a single button eye. Two large puffs of stuffing stick out from the top of her head like afro puffs. She's 5'5 with a plump body.

The tallest contestant- at 7 feet. His body is made out of a thick, black concrete and he has yellow stripes going across his arms- similar to those you'd see on a road. He wears suspenders and a white shirt.

A not-so rough and not-so tough cowboy. With a mody made entirely out of dirt and soil, Dirt isn't the cleanest contestant. He dawns traditional western attire, a 6 foot height and one of those generic cowboy hats. At least he has a decently muscular body? Not that any girls want him.

6'5- the tallest out of all the girls. Her entire body is made of glass and she is thus see-through. Her hair goes down to her lower back, and she always wears high heels and a skirt- along with a fancy necklace.

The only person tacky enough to wear a tuxedo on a tropical island. Gold prides himself on being the most expensive-costing contestant, as displayed by his body of solid gold and fine suit. Just don't let him know he's also the heaviest contestant and only stands at a meager 5'4.

Barely 5'4. Due to being made out of ice, she is by definition the coolest. She wears a blue sweater dress and always has ice skates on that allow her to skate regardless of the terrain, and her voluminous hair goes down to her lower back.

Always has a long, conservative black dress on. Her entire body is made out dark gray steel- and her face is composed out of green pixels. She wears heavy duty boots at all times, and has long, slick black hair. Stands at 5'5.

A 5'11 humanoid figure that has a bright silver glow. He has spiky hair and a black biker outfit with his shirt slightly unbuttoned to show off his muscular chest. A total emo wanna-be.

A 5'6 figure made out of a thick blue paint. Always has a beret on and an apron over his standard long-sleeved shirt and leggings. Anything he touches is stained by him.

A 5'2 woman made of out crumbled up newspaper. Her face looks drawn-on, and she wears a folded up newspaper boat hat over her two pigtails. It's unknown if this hat is made from her own body, or some other source of paper.

She's see-through, but literally and physically. Her chubby appearance may give the impression that she's overweight, but she was a container of tupperware before competing- meaning her body is all hollow. Her hair is short but fluffy (or as fluffy as plastic can be).

A solid black contestant with a soft, bouncy exterior. Rubber's clothes are nearly invisible due to being solid black as well. He's only about 4'11 and is pretty scrawny.

Entirely made out of slime. The lower half of his body is often just a pool of slime that follows him around- making him often only 3 or so feet tall. He has no clothes, and everything sticks right onto him.

Her body is composed of fuzzy TV static that's constantly buzzing. She has no face and only a meager ponytail. Her height and size often change- but she's most often 5'6.

Although she and Moonlight are the same height, they couldn't be any more different. She glows with a bright joy and rocks a thick afro that glows just as bright.

Water The liquid blue contestant. He's a salt-water humanoid that's quite tall and lanky- at 6'3. Despite all the sand and minerals and sometimes even fish floating around in him, he's quite see-through. He wears a swim-shirt and swimming trunks and no shoes.

A 5'6 birch wood-carving of a human. He's got a tough exterior and wears lumberjack attire, such as his plaid shirt.

A composition of various leafy vines. She has long, braided vines coming from the top of her head- acting as hair. She's around 5'8 in height and extremely flexible.

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