What are the goals of Aezkhao?

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Aezkhao is a language I've have been cooking up since July 2023. My inspiration for creating it was when I was watching Xioma's channel where he was speaking languages that were made this language.

I do admit that I have been taught Spanish before and learned it for about 2 1/2 years. But then I stopped. I had no knowledge of linguistics at that time (and still learning to this day) about how languages work. In that time, I was also doing world building for Noupangea as being the setting of my character Kentz, where they reside in. So that brings the question, what is the goal of me creating Aezkhao

Here are my goals:
1. This is a personal conlang that I've created for my universe of Noupangea, meaning that it is a artlang. So I would like for this language to be used for this universe only.

2. This is a way for me learn about linguistics in general on my own to understand them better. One of the dreams I have as I get older is to learn a language through the interest, love, curiosity, and sympathy for others and their cultures.

3. Academic wise, writing is one of my strongest suit of personal skills, as I consider it one of my greatest strengths as a person. As of now I have been thinking of having a minor as a writer/author. I often am pleased for people to enjoy my work and become very, very, VERY tempted to talk about my special interests (hehe, I am autistic, so when one mentions anything about what I am passionate about I will come out of my comfort zone to battle against my own anxiety disorder).

4. I am here to lecture, info-dump, and be humorous all at once, and just genuinely have a good time developing a concept that I have been structuring for months.

I am fully aware that I may mistakes along the way, and I already have (as I am still at step one of developing the Aezkhao IPA constant chart). But as long as I take this slowly and not IMMEDIATELY get to creating words, I am very confident that my writing will bloom as I expand, explore, and evolve this language.

Happy Writing, and Reading y'all~!

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