Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Sam)

                It was late I was sitting at my desk, I was supposed to figure out what happened at the crime scene, it was difficult to just base it off evidence because I knew what exactly happened. I jumped when   I heard my name called, Sky was standing behind me “Oh I’m sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” She said quickly brushing her brown hair from her bright green eyes I turned my chair around to find her “It’s fine what it is?” I asked, Sky handed me the baggy with the ring in it from the crime scene “It’s the ring we traced it to the first victim Charlie, and the autopsy on the new victim turns out there was a necklace ripped of his neck.”  She finished I nodded and looked back at my blank badge reminding myself to add that later “Personally I think it sounds familiar,” she said in a low voice I jumped again I had forgotten she was there “Wow Sam your edgy today aren’t you?”      I shook my head “Sorry I was just…thinking…anyways you were saying sounds familiar?” I asked changing the subject “Don’t you think this is like the Zodiac killer? He used a knife and toke one thing from each victim and gave it to next one, what if he’s back?” I shook my head “Probably just a copycat then.” “Hey Carter!” I looked up and saw Derek coming towards me; Sky sighed quickly “You’re so lucky.” She whispers in my ear and walked off. I rolled my eyes and turned to Derek “What?” most girls in the police station wised that Derek would be there partner cause he was a player and was extremely attractive but personally I didn’t’ like him much. He stopped and leant against my desk “Whatca doing?” he asked, I handed him the ring and quickly explained everything including the whole Zodiac killer bit. He nodded “Ill go report to Officer Tric.” He walked off. I turned back to my blank paper. I sighed and stood up, I should be getting home it was getting late. Tomorrow the police station will be busy with another murder I smiled. I stopped when two people who I have never seen before walked towards me “We’re with the FBI Behaviour Analyzes Unit, where’s your boss?” the tall guy with brown hair and solid green eyes asked, he sounded like the kind of guy you didn’t want to mess with. “Offer there.” I pointed to the direction of Tric’s office. The guy nodded and walked towards the office, followed by a girl who I was 100% sure wasn’t an agent, she wore trench coat that she could probably fit in 3 times, the sleeves were was to long and she was dragging a suit case with her. She had white spikey hair that made her look like a mad scientist she smiled at me and quickly tried to catch up with her boss. Now I wasted to see how it went and followed them. When the girl opened the door she stopped and I ran into her “What the!” I caught myself on the door frame and saw what or more who she was staring at, who else except Derek Chase; he was running his fingers through his hair leaning against the wall. She starred at him when finally Tric stood up from behind his desk “Good you could come.” He said and shook the other guy’s hand “I’m Agent O’Neill that is agent Malone.” Tric glanced at the girl “When I called in the BAU I was hoping for more than two agents.” O’Neill nodded “Agent Bolt and Goder are already at the crime scene .” he explained and Tric nodded “well we got your room already, and we set up the boards and the bad coffee in the conference room. Carter?” he asked turning to me “Uh ya?” I looked offer to Tric “Would you show them to the conference room?” he asked I nodded and lead the two agents out off the office to the conference room and held open the door for  them  “Thank you Carter.” He said “Samantha Carter, you can call me Sam though.” I quickly added, he nodded and walked in followed my Malone, she set down her suit case. “Samantha?” asked O’Neill I pressed my lips together truthfully I hated being called that “I want your opinion on our unsub.” He said not turning around to face me, I was panicked for a second didn’t have anything I might say something and then hang myself with my own words but then I just said what felt right “There was no forced entry, which means our victim knew the unsub or at least the unsub looked harmless. The forensic counter measures mean he or she has studied criminal law or is in the system and the kills were very professional.” When I was done O’Neill turned and faced me “You could be a great profiler.” I smiled and nodded “Glad you think so.” I turned and walked out of the room; I checked out with Derek and drove home.

                When I got home I pulled my dark hoodie and picked up the knife from the counter and put it in front pocket of my hoodie and pulled my hood offer my head and walked out to my car the sun had already set  casting the street in a dark glow of the street lamps. I got into the cat and drove out of town onto the gravel road where I turned into a drive and turned off my headlights when I put the car in park and got out quickly. The porch light was on so I knew Lucas was still up. I pulled on my leather gloves and knocked on the door, a man in his early 40s opened the door, he had an army cut and had a wolf tattoo on his right shoulder. “Who are you? Oh Samantha! Long-time.”  He smirked. I smiled coldly “Hi Lucas.” I walked in past him, he chuckled and closed the door locking it and turning to me towering offer me, he used to use his size to dominate offer me and beat me for every tiny thing “So what brings you here?” I did my best to stay calm “I have come to tell you something you will take to your grave.” I smiled, Lucas raised an eyebrow in confusion “I’m the killer.” I pulled out my knife out and slashed his throat and when he hit the ground I kneeled beside him and stabbed him in the chest. Lucas struggled trying to push me away, until finally his arms went limp. I pulled my knife out and wiped the blood of on Lucas’s shirt and put Rob’s necklace around Lucas’s neck and toke out his earing which was a silver loop about the size of a ring. I put it in my jeans pocket and stood up going offer to the door unlocking it and walking out back to my car and pulled out a cigarette and lid it pulling off my cloves and driving home.

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