Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Rhys)

                When I opened my eyes, it was still pitch black in the room, my gaze flickered across the room where Emily was still fast asleep. I pulled out my iPod and checked the time 6:37 am. I sleepily climbed out of bed, the cold air causing goose bumps to break out on my bare arm. I padded lightly into the bathroom. I flicked the switch and waited for a moment for my eyes to adjust to the harsh light. I studied my face in the mirror. My skin was oddly pale for someone who grew up in California, and it made me seem sickly. My pale hair was spiked up in every direction like I had a mind of its own. And my eyes… “You reflect blue, like winters water’s…” I pulled up the locket that always hung around my neck. It showed two attractive adult males and a young girl with messy white hair. Her eyes gleamed a dark metallic violet. “But your true color is a deep purple…”

                A knock on the door startled me and I quickly stuffed my locket under my Death Note pajamas. “Rhys are you alright in there?” I sighed, just Emily. “Yes, just confused.” I opened the door for my comrade. Her blonde hair, fluttered around her face as she entered. She frowned under my studious eye “Confused about what?” I turned back to the mirror and ran my hand through my platinum mess. “Am I unattractive?” A few seconds of silence Emily grinned “What brought this on all the sudden? See something you like at the police station?” I felt my face get hot and Emily’s smile grew even wider “What’s his name?” I opened my mouth and answered absolutely blankly “I have absolutely no idea.” Emily just laughed “Well today you will find out.” Her tone was mock-demanding.

                Later that day, I walked into Officer Tric’s office following O’Neill and trying not to run into anything. “Tric, Malone here needs to see the files of the victims and have access to a computer.” Tric blinked at O’Neill “Yes sir.” It sounded sarcastic, and then he looked at me “You must be ‘Malone’.” “Rhys Malone, criminal profiler.” I nodded to him and took the bundle of files he held out to me. “There’s a computer in Agent Chase’s office, third to the left.” I nodded again and left dragging my sock-case behind me. I just heard Tric say “She’s a bit strange isn’t she.” Before the door shut.

                I made my way into the room ladled “D. Chase” and shut the door. I went to the desk and curled up on the chair moving the mouse of the computer. Suddenly I was hit with an “enter password” screen. Chewing my lips softly I realized something was wrong, the silence pounded inside my skull as if a background noise ceased. Somebody had been taking a shower in the office’s adjoining bathroom. The door opened, and all I could do was stare. Steam followed him out of the small room, framing him like a godly smoke. His jeans hugged his legs snuggly, and his bare chest rippled as he raised his hands to his head, forming a shark fin with his spikey chocolate hair. He noticed me, even worse he noticed me starring “Hey.” “H-Hello.” “You must be from the Unit that they sent in from Quantico.” “Yes I’m Rhys Malone the erm…profiler.” He chuckled “I’m Derek.” He came closed and I could smell his musky cologne as he leaned over me “Here, let me help you with that.” His muscular arms reached past me and began typing in the password. I noticed a tattoo of a cross on his right shoulder, the bible floating over it. I subconsciously touched my own tattoo, a silver seven-point star at the corner of my left eye. Derek’s large hands came of the key board as the computer dinged and went to home screen. “Thank you Derek.” I said softly. “Sure thing Rhys, anything else I can do for you?” “No.” I pulled the files into my lap and continued talking a bit to myself “But I can’t concentrate with you standing there all sexy and godlike.” It was when Derek began to laugh that I knew I said it out loud, I let my face get hot.  “I-I  mean-” “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that.” I blushed even harder as I realized that Derek’s partner, the girl called Sam had heard as well. She blinked her vibrant blue eyes and walked out without another word.

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