Chapter 10

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Hello readers! 👋🏻

Welcome to a new chapter of TLL💕

If you like the chapter and want to know more, the target for the next chapter will be given by the end of this chapter. 👇🏻
(I promise it won't be anything difficult😉)


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"Bro, come here and have lunch. It is not anything like climbing Mt. Everest. Just move your butt and come here." -I said to Adi on call, who was constantly denying to come because he had no time.

Adi: (sighing) "I wish you could understand what work pressure feels like. I don't want to eat, Sid. You carry on with those tasty dishes you just mentioned to lure me."

Me: (determined) "Bhai, I'm not going to talk to you I swear. I checked ALL the files you told me to and I'll do the rest also. You don't have to worry. Together we'll finish the project before deadline, I promise. Now come, please."

Adi: (defeated) "Alright. Since you're leaving no other option, I'm coming. Send me the location."

I hung up the call and sent Adi the location via SMS. After ordering a second juice, I kept waiting for the girls to arrive. Nikita is never late. What happened today? Maybe they got busy somewhere.

I can't even properly think how things escalated between the three of us. Especially Akansha, her presence makes me happy these days. Her innocent doe eyes behind those dark lashes, remind me of my childhood. When I used to get tired by playing and chose to sit down, under the calming shadow of a tree. Her laugh sounds like a thousand streams in my ear. And when I am the reason behind her smile, I feel like I'm the BEST person on earth. I don't know what this feeling is called. I've never felt this before. Is THIS what true love feels like? But what does SHE feel for me? Does she feel ANYTHING for me at all?

I heard the door of the restaurant open and that sound pulled me out of my thoughts. Nikita came storming inside and threw her bag on the table. It was clear that she was upset with something. Akansha entered after her, with a relatively slower pace. Did they...argue? They were behaving unusual.

After they settled down on the chairs, I finally decided to break the silence.

Me: (hesitating) "Um, girls? You good?"

Before Akansha could say something with a smile, Nikita interrupted her.

Nikita: (desperate) "YEAH! Everything is fine. I'm having terrible time with my project, my best friend is leaving me in two days, and I found out she's a liar. Every fucking thing is fine."

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