Chapter 23 Telling the Orphans

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All of us, except for those who don't have any powers yet, form a big circle in the field.

Next, Grandfather summons the water out of Nigel's hand and wills it to grow bigger. Then he throws it to Melody, who in turn throws it at her father. The man catches it, before throwing it at Julian with force. He manages to stop it, even though the power forces him to take a few steps back.

"Father!" Melody exclaims.

"It's alright, Melody." My cousin pants. "This might be just a game, but we might as well be training. And you heard my grandfather, the Dark Dragonblood is a dangerous man. He has much darker things than speeding water balls." He continues and passes it on to one of her aunts.

We continue for another fifteen minutes before grandfather lets the ball shrink back to its original size and flow back into Melody's cup.

"Very well done, all of you. Especially you, miss Melody. I must say I'm impressed."

"I paid attention last night..." She blushes, but Julian agrees.

"Grandfather is right! Last night you didn't have your powers yet, so you couldn't have practiced. Honestly, I think you're learning faster than I am!" He ends sheepishly, slightly blushing.

Grandfather chuckles. "You're all progressing fast. True, there is a lot to learn, but I am confident you will all become strong Dragonbloods. Each one of you children could be one of the Prophecy. And I couldn't be more proud!"

"Speaking of children..." One of Melody's older cousins says, taking the hand of the woman beside him. "Nya and I are happy to announce that our family will soon be growing! We are expecting a child!"

"What?" Melody exclaims with a laugh. "So that's the reason you guys wanted the family together! Sorry I kind of took over the big news... Congratulations, cousin!" And she embraces him and his wife. The rest of the family congratulates them as well, along with Julian, grandfather and myself, of course.

"Thank you all." Is all what the two parents-to-be can muster after that, big smiles on their faces.

"Ahem." Melody's grandmother clears her throat for attention. "I hate to bring this up, but I think it's time for us to go back to the city. I don't think Nigel has planned for us staying for dinner..." She points out and there is a short silence.

"Or, if you have enough food and a place to sleep for two more... He and Joanie could join you? I can watch the farm for them. Together with Myela?" Evandyr suggests, looking sideways at me and I nod.

"Sure we have. You guys are welcome to join!" Melody's cousin says. "The Prince and the Physician are welcome as well."

"Thank you for the offer. But unfortunately, we have to get back to the palace. We must find out what the situation is and whether or not the queen has succeeded. We can, however, travel with you for most of the way." Grandfather says and Nigel's family nods.

"Evandyr, are you sure you'll be alright? If it's too much..."

"Nigel, I'll be fine! You deserve it." The boy tells him, then grins. "Cousin." He adds and Nigel chuckles.

"Alright, let's saddle up the horses..."

Five minutes later they are ready to go.

"Thank you again, Evandyr, Myela. Truly. But if I could ask you for one more thing? Please take care of the orbs as well?" Nigel asks, taking them from his pockets and Evandyr takes them with a nod.

"You got it. We'll see you guys tomorrow. Then we can figure out how exactly we are going to tell our friends what we found out..."

Nigel laughs, shaking his head. "I can almost hear their reaction right now! We'll try not to be too late..."

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