Chapter 28 Seers Blood

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The next morning, I awake early and rise from the bed that used to belong to Nigels father. It didn't feel right to take the bed last night, but the other girls had insisted. Melody and Joanie each rise from a couch, as servants enter to bring us clean clothes and draw a bath.

Something none of us is used to.

We each wash ourselves, one after the other, but we accept the servants' help with the dresses they brought us for they close at the back with a ribbon. I am clothed in purple, Melody in green and Joanie in blue. They do our hair with the same colour ribbons.

Then they lead us to the dining room where the others are already waiting for us. Evandyr is dressed in purple, Nigel in blue and Julian in green.

"Wow." The boys greet us and grandfather chuckles slightly.

"Indeed. All of you look fit for the life of nobility. You all look beautiful, girls and, boys, you look dashing as well."

"Thank you, sir." Melody says, blushing.

"I must say I agree with the King." Lord Andrew's father says. "The way you all carry yourselves, one would not easily think you were not born into this life." His wife and parents keep silent however, and food and drinks is brought in.

We just finished eating, when there's a knock on the door and after a word from Lord Andrew, a guard enters the room.

"Sorry to disturb you, my Lord, but the Royal Family White is approaching."

"That's alright. And thank you. We will be along shortly." He turns to Grandfather the moment the guard closes the door behind him. "What do you want to do, Your Majesty?"

"You go greet them. Afterwards, we can all meet in the gardens and I will break the spell upon their minds as well."

"Alright. I'll have someone guide you and we will meet you there."


About twenty minutes later, we are in the gardens behind Brimstone Castle. A beautiful fountain clatters gently. We hear multiple footsteps behind us and a man speaking.

"Why did you lead us to the gardens, Andrew? You know we have come a long way!"

"Yes, Your Majesty. But this will be worth it. There are some people who want to see you..." Lord Andrew answers and we turn around. I notice that Lord Andrew's parents are not with them.

King Brias gasps when he sees us, but his eyes are focused on Grandfather.

"Julius!" He exclaims. "Cousin, what are you doing here? And who..."

"I will explain in a moment, Brias. But first, there is something I need to do." He says, then he turns to Julian and me. "Grandchildren, you want to aid me in this one?" And the three of us join hands. As the spell breaks, two men and women gasp in recognition. One of the women is pregnant.

"King Julius! What- what's going on?" One of the men asks, a brother of Lady Ilva, by the looks of him.

"Hello again, Princes Darien, Adrian. It's good to see you, your wives and children again, although I haven't met all of them. How much they've grown!" Grandfather greets them with a smile, then turns back to King Brias. "And it is good to see you again, cousin."

"You broke the spell?" The man asks, slightly surprised, but smiling.

"We have been breaking it more and more in the past week. The time to step out of the shadows is upon us..."

"The Prophecy?"

"Indeed. Their powers are awakening and they are strong. With proper training they will soon be able to hold their own in a magical fight."

"Although we are trying to avoid getting the throne through violence." Julian interrupts and all look at him.

"Prince Julian?" King Brias frowns. "What do you mean? And I'm surprised to see you here without Guards..."

Julian chuckles. "Lord Andrew said the same. Mother is trying to convince him to step down and give me the throne. One of his demands is that I will be married. Which is why there's a ball in three weeks time. I was going to refuse until I heard mother agreed under the promise of inviting more than just the nobility." He adds with a smirk and mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What's so funny, boy?" King Brias inquires.

"I just imagined his reaction when I tell him I'm already engaged! Of course, I can't tell him until after the ball, but I'm looking forward to it. Speaking of my fiancee, please allow me to present Melody Hearth." He continues and the girl curtsies towards the King.

"Your Majesties."

"A pleasure to meet you, dear. And who, may I ask are the others?"

"This is my granddaughter Princess Myela, Evandyr Brimstone, Nigel Hearth-Brimstone and his fiancee Joanie. For all except miss Joanie, it has been proven that they, too, are Dragonbloods."

Suddenly Joanie gasps. "Actually, I think I am a Dragonblood. Look at the fountain!" She says and raises her hand. A ball of water follows her movements. She unsteadily summons the ball to her and would have dropped it over our feet had Nigel not used his own powers to catch it.

"Careful, love." He says, then notices she keeps staring at the water. "Joanie?"

"Oh..." She gives a small sound before covering her face with her hands. Nigel sends the water ball back to the fountain, then quickly puts his arms around her. After a minute of silence, Joanie has recovered somewhat and they break the embrace.

"Joanie, what happened?" Nigel asks softly and she takes a deep breath before answering.

"I... I saw something in the water. My parents and grandparents! They talked to me. They told me they knew I would see it once it was time and my powers unlocked. My parents and grandmother were going to warn... someone about something, but there was a chance they would not return. That's why my grandfather would care for me. But he told me he died a week later because of poison, which is how I got to live in the Orphanage. The same poison that killed my grandmother and parents! Given to them by the very person who they were going to warn. Mother told me that, every generation one or two women in our bloodline would inherit a special Blood Magic besides the usual one. She had foreseen that I would have that gift as well and it would be as strong, maybe even stronger, than our ancestor's. The one who made the Prophecy..."

"Seers blood!" King Brias gasps softly.

"Of course, I should have known! You look so much like them and even have the same name. You are Joanie Fire, daughter of Milan and Joanie Fire, who was my niece. Your grandmother was my sister!"

"Really?" The girl gasps and grandfather nods.

"Miss Joanie. I couldn't help but notice your hesitation when you said they were going to warn someone. You know who it was, don't you, child?" Andrew Brimstone asks gently and she nods.

"Yes. They told me, and what they were going to warn about, but you're not going to like it. I'm not even comfortable saying the name aloud!"

"Then whisper it in my ear. It might confirm my own suspicions that have grown since last night..." Joanie approaches and brings her mouth to his ear. She whispers and Lord Andrew stiffens. Joanie steps back before the man lets out a scream of anger and grief.

"Guards!" He yells and four of them come from the castle immediately after.

"Lord Andrew!" One of them says, saluting. "You called, sir? What can we do for you?"

"Find my mother and arrest her. Quietly if you can. Place her in solitude and do not underestimate her."

"S-sir?" The guard who had spoken stammers, surprise and confusion in his face.

"You heard me. Arrest my mother and lock her in solitude. If you are asked why, say that the charges will be revealed at a later moment. Now go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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