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Luna's POV:

I was watching Earth play cards with Mars, Venus, and Mercury. It's somehow nice for them to be back together...

*skipped some*

Well, the sun changed the orbits of the planets, and now I am kind of worried for the Earth. He is been freezing at this part. He then speaks "Can't reflect more sunlight moon?" Oh, I wish...

(Then stuffs happen yk)

It's been an Earth day. He is almost Frozen I wish the earthlings were okay...
Also kind of don't want to be near the asteroid belt it gives me more memories of the Moon Revolution and Ceres. Till something hit TDSOM. "HEY WHO HIT ME WITH AN ASTEROID. I WAS HAVING BEAUTY SLEEP!!!" Oh, nuts.. wait an Asteroid??? I turned in the direction of the belt and I saw something moving, it was bigger than Ceres... You know what they say curiosity kills the bird. I asked permission from Earth luckily he agreed on only 1 condition get back in orbit quickly after I was done. I move into the Asteroid belt. I scanned the whole area and then moved on deeper to the belt. I got hit by a small rock. I flinched from the pain and saw no other than Europa herself. I see she is still Furious about it huh?

Luna: Oh, Look who just showed up you're the one who hit me.

Europa: Oh Please, I wasn't trying to target you, Luna. I was getting the chance of Earth being in Mars orbit. Then you came into the place. Then you blocked it suddenly your other side woke up!!!

Luna: bluds having beef*mubles*

Europa: what did you just say?!

Luna: Nothing Euromid.

Then suddenly she lunges onto me of course her eye is red. Then she missed i made a run for it throwing a bunch of mini asteroids.
Which has slowed her down. I questioned myself how was she here when Jupiter was in the orbit of Neptune? Maybe she sneaked?
She tried to use her gravity but I just tossed her. The fight went on until our stamina was lost.

Europa: *pant*

Luna: Give up?

Europa: No, I won't

Luna: Bruh, stop trying to hurt Earth's life, Europa.

Europa: I won't until his life is gone so the planets would respect US.

She tried to lunge at me for the second time again but was stopped by a sudden pinkish portal.
We stopped for a bit and looked at it curiously. It seems not sucking us up. Never mind, it sucks us in.

I wonder where is it taking us?!

Europa: A

Will she ever shut up?
Then we saw light over at the end. Then ...

We are in... the solar system????

Europa: What where are we?!

Luna: I don't know either.


Luna: Europa, we need to stick together okay so we can both survive in this.

Europa: Nope!

Then Europa left me then we saw an unknown planet passed by.... it was huge!

Europa: Nevermind!!!

I wonder where we are, this still looks a bit like our solar system but with unknown planets. Then I looked to the left and saw 2 habitable planets.

Thats it for the prolouge!
(537 words)

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