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Earlier This Week

I sat there in my office chair, my hands on the computer typing away. I had looked at all the pictures of the protest that day. But only one of them had her face in there but it gave me a clear image of how she looked. Every day I wanted to go back and relive that moment, just to see her again. But yet I also wondered how she felt about me. Did she feel the same? Did she feel that connection that I had felt? It made me feel silly to say but I was believing the fact that we were soulmates. We were bounded by heart and soul, eager to find each other again.

I was almost there, I was almost to the top of that tall mountain that took me years to climb. I could feel the top, my goal, right at the tip of my fingers. But to think of all the other things that I have yet to find about this mysterious woman dropped me down back to the bottom. I couldn't even find her full name yet, all I got was Danielle. The name sounded like beauty to me, it tingled in my ears perfectly. I am madly in love with a woman and I don't even know her name, but I know it is meant to be.

I looked at the picture I had printed out of her and the notes next to it. Does this make me a stalker? No, a secret admirer, I thought to myself.

But then a thought I've been trying to ignore came up in my mind.

What do I do when I meet her?

I can't just go up to her and say "I love you," she would get freaked out and maybe walk away. I need to give her a chance to say it back, some time. I stared at her picture harder while I was in the thought of what to do.

What if she has a boyfriend and rejects me? "No," I said with anger, "I want her," I spoke to myself with frustration while clenching my fists.

Suddenly a notification had popped up in the corner of my screen, It was a instagram follow request. This wasn't anything new, we always get the requests of others to follow our anonymous Instagram. So, I did as I always have done and clicked on the notification to accept the request. Then I was brought to the Instagram notification center and looked at the profile.

My eyes widened at the name, its_y/n_3, Y/N. I thought to myself then acted quickly, clicking on her profile. Could this be her? The woman I've been searching for three years? Once I had clicked on her profile I read her bio. Taken? I said to myself as I read her bio. She will be mine, I dominantly thought, and I will do whatever I have to. Then I brought my eyes up and stared at her profile picture, her face shone brightly in my eyes. There she was, her beauty glowing boldly. I smiled as I stared into her eyes, then there it was, that same connection I felt when I met her.

All I need for her to do is post something, I thought to myself as I waited impatiently. I could get so much information about her from one post. Then four new notifications had appeared on my screen. Three new likes and a tag? I quickly clicked the tag notification and it brought me to a post Y/N had just made. This is it, I reached the top, my goal.

I liked the post then quickly got to work, using my multiple scripts and programs to grab as much information as I could.

Some Time Later

I stared at the post-it note in my hand, I read over her information, double-checking it. Where she lived, her IP, all social media accounts, email, and phone number were written on the note. Everything was correct, now I had to go along with the plan that I made earlier. Just one more step to see her, to see her face again in person would fulfill me.

"Jimin!" I yelled for him to come into my office. After a short minute, he appeared at the entrance of my office. "Yes?" He said with a sly look, "I need you for something," I said, handing the post-it note to him once he had come up to my desk.

He read the note then his expression turned into a grin.

"It's time," I said, looking at him.




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now