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Once I awoke a familiar scent had filled my nose. It smelt like my apartment? It was the smells of the candles that I've used around the room, cinnamon apple. I rubbed my eyes once I took in what I saw. What am I doing here?

I was in my apartment, I was back here again. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I winced at the slight pain that came from the pinch, then blinked a couple of times out of confusion. "What?" I questioned as I looked at my surroundings. I didn't know how to feel about this. I was happy but then I wasn't?

I wasn't sure if I wanted to be here or with him. But why am I even back here in the first place? Is everything done and gone? Is it because I said what I had said to him? This made me furious, abandoning me like that.

I heard a buzz on the left side of me, my phone was laying next to me, along with my computer. I didn't have my phone in a week, so then I quickly grabbed it off the bed, eager to use it again.

Luckily there weren't a lot of messages or missed phone calls. I opened up the messages app looking through the new messages I've received mostly from Sarah.

Sarah 10:59 p.m
Hey girl! I just wanted to check in to make sure everything is okay since you left the bar without saying anything.

Sarah 11:03 р.m
Are you okay? Are you safe?

Me 11:21 p.m
Yes sorry for the late response. Everything is great just wanted to get out of the bar quickly, felt sick. Thank you for checking up on me.

Sarah 11:22 p.m
It's all good. Happy that you're okay.

I noticed that Kook or whoever obviously hacked into my phone to respond to everyone on my contact list who questioned where I was or what I was doing. It was almost sent to every contact, the same message.

Me 1:02 p.m
Hey, I'm going on a vacation for a couple of weeks. Sorry if I do not respond while I'm gone I may not be on my phone a lot.

It felt weird to see behind the scenes of the kidnapping happening. It baffled me on how everyone was tricked as well, even Sarah. Everyone thought I was good and safe. When truly I was kidnapped by a stalker.

While I was lost in thought, soon the feeling of being back at my apartment was brought back to me. I was still so confused. I sort of wanted to be back with Kook and everyone else. I missed it there already. I questioned greatly on what I was doing here at my apartment. I missed Kook. Is that bad?

I could remember every single movement that happened last night. I wanted to feel his warmth, dominance, and touch on me again. I practically begged for it.

I got up from my bed with my phone in my hand. I wondered if there were any notes around my apartment that let me know what I was doing here. I found nothing, not a single note or clue. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to get connection and communication back with friends and my family but I wanted to have Kook's presence.

I unlocked my phone and called Sarah quickly. As soon as she answered I went into tears. I sobbed once I heard her gentle voice.

"Hello, Y/N are you okay?" Sarah said noticing the whimpering sounds I made through the phone.


"I'm coming over right now."

Sarah said not letting me finish. She ended the line and I placed my phone on the kitchen counter. I checked the time quickly, 10:32 a.m was shown on my phone screen. I laid my elbows on the counter and rested my head in the palms of my hands. I sobbed quietly, hating every second of the feeling of being abandoned and alone.

My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now