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I covered my ears as the yelling from the living room had grown louder and louder. Why do they yell so much? They seemed to hate each other and mom looked terrified when she was around dad. I could understand why she was scared, he was extremely mean and sometimes threatened us. The arguing was daily, dad would always come home all weird, he would trip and fall and talk so oddly, too. It scared me to see him like that, but I've grown used to it because it was always the same thing.

Mother refused for me to help her whenever he had argued with her, she always told me to run to my room. So I always do as I'm told from her, I go to my room while they argue and play with my toys or sometimes when they're loud I will cover my head in my pillow.

Every time dad had raised his voice memories of him on that one night always came back. They send me a full panic, making me get away from him as much as I can. I know that he is dangerous when he gets like that and that I need to hide. Last time I didn't hide, I ended up with a couple of bruises, he was mad at me for not getting him the drinks he always asked for. I had to comply with every task he gave me so I was treated with a smile or a pat on the head. It felt good to earn that attention from him, I mourned for it all the time.

Soon I was brought back to reality as loud sounds had come from the living room. Sounds I've heard before but this time more ferocious, they shocked me. I should see if mom is okay, I thought to myself while I got up from my bed. I know mom had warned me to stay in my room but I couldn't resist seeing if she was okay. I reached up to grab ahold of the doorknob, twisting it open. I slowly opened the door and walked out into the hallway leading to the living room.

The sight I saw was worse than any other, it made my skin crawl. There was my mom laying on the ground, raising her hands in defense as he had pulled his belt out of his pants. He raised it to hit her, but before he could I had to barge in. "Stop!" I yelled while tears streamed down my face, both of their faces turned to me. His face was filled with anger, he didn't look like himself. My mom's face was filled with fear and shock, "Y/N! No!" she yelled at me, I knew I was in trouble now, I was supposed to be in my room.

"What did you say you little shit?" My dad asked me, looking down at me, his belt in one hand and his other hand clenched into a fist. "Stop hurting her," I said in between whimpers, I trembled out of how terrified I was. I never do this, I never stand up and use my voice, it scares me knowing what will happen. His eyes were filled with a fiery rage, "you brat," he continued, "don't ever talk to me like that again." He raised the belt in one hand, I raised my hands in defense, knowing there was no escape now.

"Run!" My mother had suddenly yelled, there she was, holding back his arm from me. I looked at her with a worried filled expression, she stared at me back. Before they could start again I had quickly turned around and sprinted back to my room.

I slammed the door behind me once I entered the room and ran inside my closet. I quickly closed the closet doors and sat there in the pitch-black closet. I could hardly breathe, my heart was pounding loudly through my chest and adrenaline rushed in my veins.

"Mommy," I whimpered in between sobs while I heard her screams from the other room, I hope she is okay.




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now