4. Special place ( the view for the rock )

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"come on lets go "

I nodded the he lead me into the woods he was still holding on to my hand and leading the way we have been walking for a awhile when Curiosity got the best of me " where are we chase" "the woods" oh god he's annoying " yes I can see that but why "" I want to show something " he said oh is he going to kill me " what's with the secrecy are you going to kill and rape my dead corpse " he laughed like an actual hearty laugh that made all warm and giddy inside ." very different " he said really quietly I don't think I was meant to hear that .

we walked of about five more minutes when he suddenly stoped causing me to walk right onto him he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist before I fell ." were here" what were is here but before I could ask he moved aside and I seen the most beautiful site tall trees that reached the sky and yellow flowers that covered the floor with the son shining threw the trees making everything look like its glowing like something out of a dream or a book .

" it so beautiful its like im dreaming " I said quietly but I know he heard me he sat down with his feet hanging of the edge of a big rock I sat down next to him and just kept staring I wonder how he found this place " how did you find this place" I asked I could feel him looking at me and not at the beautiful view in front of us . he didn't say anything just looked at me so I turn and looked at him our eyes locked and now I wish I didn't turn to look at him I raised my brow " what " " your beautiful " oh my god my heart skipped a beat he just called me beautiful I blushed like a tomato " your so cute and to answer your question my little brother and me found it when he was ten and I was thirteen " he paused of a moment and smiled and chuckled but had this look in his eyes as he remember how it happed I nodded as a sign to continue the story " we go in to a fight with mum and we left and somehow we found this place but I kept coming back "" why did you keep coming back other then the view " I asked " it was a nice place to think so quick peaceful a place to go to get away where no one knew I was but tommy " he stopped again and looked kind of sad to I grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze to tell him it was ok that he did have to say anything he didn't want to .

" when we got back mum and dad were fighting and a week later dad left and tommy went with him they always had a special bond that I was kind of jealous of but I guess because of that I got real close to mum and I decided to stay with her in stead I have seen tommy since I really miss him tho so I come here when I need to get away or if im upset" I was so happy that he was telling me this that I couldn't keep the smile of my face I decided to tease him a little and say " so the bad boy is a mammas boy that so adorable ".

" oh shut up and im not adorable im a man ok cupcake" I giggled " nope its adorable is what it is " "say it again I dare you " I looked away then I looked strait back at him" your adorable " " one more time and ill "I cut him off and said " you'll what huh " I raised my eyebrow while he thought about it "this " was all he said before I was he tackled me to the ground and started tickling me I was laughing so hard I barely could breathe " st- -op pl-" was all I could get out will laughing and trying to breathe as he continued he said " not until you say im a man " I didn't want to say it but I couldn't breathe so I said " ok" he stopped for a second so I could breathe but was really to start again if I didn't say it so I did " your a man " I said as I giggled .

he didn't move off of me he had one leg on each side of my hip and was sitting on my thighs he was tall so his face was right above mine he still hasn't moved yet . were just staring at each other not saying anything . his eyes slowly move down my face were he looked at my lips then back to my eyes he did it a few more time but then I started to do it too . he slowly started to lean down then we both shut our eyes then I felt his lips press against my own they were so soft yet a little rough they were really warm his hand was cupping cheek as our lips started to move in sync it wasn't fast or hard or rushed it was sweet and slow and warm he slowly pulled away and kissed my nose then my forehead.

we stayed like that of a little while just like at each other with out saying any thing but he was staring to get heavy and my legs were numb " Ahh get of me fatty " he chuckled " im not fat its mussels sweetheart " I giggled " your heavy tho " and go off and chuckled " you want to go get something to eat " his eyes were filled with hope and he stands above looking down on me " are you going to get up or stay here " I tried to get up but I couldn't feel me legs " Ahh chase " I said to him loud enough because he started to walk away " yeah " he said back but turn to look at me but seen I was still laying on the floor . he walked back over to me and said " if you did want to eat whit me just say so " I giggled knowing he's only joking " no for real help I cant feel my legs at all " " stop joking and get up already "" im not joking please help im hungry " he chuckled he bent down and put his arm under my knees and the other behind my back and pick me up off the ground like I didn't way anything he whispered " lets go " in my ear .

he carried me all the way to the car and sat me in and even put my seat belt on for me he walk to side and go in I didn't tell him that half way back to the car I could feel my legs again because I like being in his arms I still can not believe he kissed me . he looked at me and said " so what should we eat " I look at him with a big grin and screamed " PIZZA " he grinned "hell yeah " he said back but again under his breathe he said " defiantly different " with a big smile on his face . I have to ask him about that later .

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