12.Avoiding him ( skyler outfit )

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I woke up still on the floor and my head throbbing ahhhhh it hurts my eyes burning the light I get up and feel really dizzy I walked over and grabbed my phone and turned it on there were hundreds of missed texts and calls from chase I ignore them and look at the time I had two hours before I have to go to school .

I decided to have a bath cause I have the time and I need to relax I put in a big blue bath boom from lush I watched the water turn blue and I got in god it feels so nice I was humming a song my mother used to sing from my favourite movie and I started to sing it out loud. once upon a December from the movie Anastasia.

Dancing bears, painted wings

Things I almost remember

And a song someone sings

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory

Far away, long ago Glowing

dim as an ember

Things my heart used to know

Once upon a December

Someone holds me safe and warm

Horses prance through a silver storm

Figures dancing gracefully

Across my memory

I wish I could go back to that time when it me mum and dad one big happy family she would hug my and sing while she brushed my hair I looked down as I remembered how it all changed when mum and dad split and she found bill how it felt like she just didn't care anymore my body used to be cover in bruises everyday id get more but know there's only the finger prints from chase but there different I don't mind them .

I get out and walk to my closet and put on black leggings a baggy white sweater a greyish brown scarf and my brown long boots and I grab my black ray ban sunglass I got back to the bath room and look at my reflection im pale and my eyes are red and swollen and lips are chapped my hair id a mess I fix my hair the best I can but leave it down the I put lip balm on and I don't even bother covering my eyes I just put the glass on Ill just leave them on all day.

I walk down stairs and run in to nick and Emily making out on the couch eww is it just me or are they always all-over each other when I walk in its like they know im coming normally I would say something to interrupt but I really don't want to see them or any one all over each other and I don't feel like talking to any one and I know if I interrupt nick wont shut up . I slip by with out them seeing me and grab the aspirin and leave got go get a coffee that I really need .

I get in my car and cringe at ow loud the radio is I turn it off and start to dive I hope chase stays away cause I cant talk to him I think ill just start crying again . im surprised after all these years I still have tears left .

I pulled into Starbucks and get out of the car walk thought the door and walk up to the counter only to hit a wall wait why is this wall warm that smells really good like vanilla I look up and see a very familiar pair of blue eyes that belong to Jamie " hey " he said with his hands sitting on my shoulder "hey " I said back " need a coffee before school " I nodded my head still throbbing he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a table and hold me to sit then asked me what I wanted I said iced coffee he nodded and left im to hangover to fight him.

five minutes later he came back with both our drink and hand me mine I said thanks you and went to give him the money but he said it was on him ." so what your fav colour " he asked me randomly "drack red " " what's your fav food ""um ice cream " he keep asking me random questions and id answer and he tell me his answer to but I want to know why he wants to know " what with all the questions "I ask he smirks at my question and says " I like you so I want to get to know you better "I blush but wonder why would he like me " why do you like me " I ask he chuckles " because your cute and different from other girls " " you mean im not all over you like other girls " he laughed and said " that's a little of the reason .

we talk from a little longer and then we left so we could get to school I walked to my car and was about to get in when I noticed he was walking to school does he not have a car " Jamie " I call out and he turns around " yeah " " do you want a ride " I said I mean were going to the same place im not that mean . he nodded and run over getting in the passenger seat " nice car " he said I said that you and he turned the radio on god my head its killing me we got to school and I seen chase and Luke talking .

Luke noticed my car first I mean why do they have to me there why couldn't he just go to class .I groan and Jamie looks at me " you okay " he asked and put a hand on my shoulder " yeah I just don't want to see them "I send and of course he asked why so I told him what happened at the gym and chase not believing me . the next thing I know im in Jamie's lap with his arms around me in a tight hug .

" I believe you " I thanked him and we got out I looked over at chase and he was glaring at Jamie when we got out Jamie just chuckled and put his arm over my shoulder as we walked into school .I went to my locker and got my bio book out and groaned again Jamie looked at me confused " I have my next class with him " he made the 'o' face and patted my shoulder telling it would be okay then he said bye and kissed me on the check and walks away . why did he kiss me he's never don't that before but as I turned I know why chase was standing the classroom door . I walk past im and sit down and he sits next to me just starring at me .

I ignore him when he tried to talk to me every five seconds and finally the bell rang I grabbed my bag and went to run but something grabbed my arm pulling me back I tried to pull away but he was to strong so I gave up when there was now one left In the room and spoke " who was that guy " " what guy" I asked " the guy that was in your car and the guy that kissed you " "that was Jamie why "" why your mine and he got his hands all over you " " one im not yours and two so if its Luke it fine but not if it anyone else right " he paused not knowing what to say so I talk instead " you may not believe he would do that but the fact that you believe I would lie about it hurts me "" I know you would lie -""but you still don't believe it was him right " he nodded " why don't you ask him and see what he says but right now let me go " and he did and I run got of the room it was lunch so I went and sat out side under the tree .

Jamie showed up and sat we talk and he pulled a sandwich out and gave me half I really like talking with Jamie he's nice for a player and he funny and at right now im glad he here the rest of the day went by painfully slow I had music last witch made my head worse when the final bell rang I wanted to jump for joy but I didn't I drove home and had a snack take my aspirin and went to my room and watched a movie . I changed into blue shorts and a purple shirt and laid down looked at my phone to have only three messages . I open my phone and read the first on its from chase - im going to ask him tomorrow -chase I didn't reply .

the second one was from dad saying his trip was extended and the last one was from Jamie - hey I had a fun day to day I love talking to you sweet dreams see you tomorrow -Jamie I replied saying I had fun and ill see him tomorrow I smiled and fell asleep .

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