🌺 My Love 🌺

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Douma's POV:

It was my first day at my new job, I'm so excited to meet all my co-workers! I haven't met my boss yet though, I only met his assistant who I interviewed with. She was very nice. I enter the building with a deep breath. The moment I went inside the atmosphere was interesting to say.. It felt suffocating yet people were smiling and having fun. I had no idea why until I started walking towards the elevator where I saw the most jaw dropping man I'd ever seen. The man was an inch or two taller then me but he was definitely beefier, you could see the outlines of his muscles even through the shirt and blazer we was wearing now. I could tell that my mouth was agape as I kept staring at the man, he had such a powerful aura it's no wonder why it felt suffocating. Everyone must be scared or uncomfortable with him around. He finally turns his head around to look at the room before his eyes meet mine, beautiful dark ruby eyes look into mine. Oh they're so pretty and rich in color. He looks slightly surprised for a second before walking towards me. Wait why's he walking towards me?? Does he need something or what? He stops right in front of me before speaking

Kokushibo: "Are you Douma Hashibira?"

He knows my name?

Douma: "Yeah that's me!"

I say confidently and excitedly

Kokushibo: "Oh so you're the new manager for the xxxxx station?"

I nod and he slightly smiles at that

Kokushibo: "Wow never thought someone as pretty as you would need to work"

I blush at the compliment before saying a shy thank you

Kokushibo: "Oh um by the way I'm Kokushibo, I'm the boss around here"

Oh he's the boss?! Dayum he's hot as hell

Douma: "Oh it's nice to meet you sir"

I put my hand out and he gladly shakes it

Kokushibo: "Of course, if you need anything you could tell me"

Douma: "Okay!"

And that was the beginning of my crush on him
---2 Years Later---

Akaza: "Yo Douma want to get drinks with us? We're celebrating Kokushibo's bday"

I look up from my computer that I'm working at and smile at Akaza

Douma: "Why of course Akaza-donoo"

He sighs angrily at me, I think he's angry? Sometimes it's hard to tell since I can't regulate emotions normally. I can still show them, it's just hard to understand them if that makes sense. I get bored easily though

Akaza: "Fucking stop calling me that, you tell people one story of you in a play and suddenly everyone makes fun of you"

I giggle at that feeling slightly amused

Douma: "No one's making fun of you, it's just interesting how you played a lord in a play that's all~"

I said this in a teasing tone, we all just wanted to mess with him so we started calling him 'Lord Akaza' even though he gets pissed when we do. He rolls his eyes

Akaza: "We're heading out at 9 so be ready by then"

That's when the office closes so it doesn't affect me, I nod at him and he closes the door to my office. I can't wait to get drinks with Kokushibo, in the past two years I've managed to grow a slight crush. It's a small one though so it really doesn't matter. Maybe I should give Kokushibo his gift when we meet up too? Yeah that sounds smart. Time passes as I finish my work shift, eventually my time is done around 7:00 pm. Perfect, that gives me enough time to get ready. I text Akaza I'm going to get ready and I'll meet him at the bar and he sends me a thumbs up. Alrighty, I get home to my apartment and take a shower. Should I shave? Yeah why not, I shave and clean myself up. After showering I put on a bit of makeup, only some eyeliner and lipstick. Hmmm what should I wear? Obviously something professional but we are going out soo... Ooo that works out!! I take a tight black long sleeved crop top that isn't cropped too much and some black baggy jeans. Ok so this isn't professional at all, but it's not like anyone will care. I put my gift for Kokushibo in the car and look at the time. I should probably eat a little bit, I eat a pop tart before heading out to the bar. Once I get there I see everyone. I park my car and head to them. Daki notices me first

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