Chapter 4: Summoning Spiritual Energy

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 A week passed in the blink of an eye, and most people had gradually adapted to their new rhythm of life."You have all been imprinted with circuits capable of accommodating spiritual energy by the Revelation Tablet, which means you are now officially first-tier beginners in cultivation!" In the inner courtyard of the academy, Elder Mirage personally taught this year's 78 newly promoted young individuals.The youths were brimming with vitality, their eyes filled with an irrepressible excitement and anticipation.The classroom they currently occupied was once a place they aspired to be; previously, they could only learn literacy from cultural instructors in the outer courtyard. Now, they had finally stepped into the inner courtyard, becoming esteemed cultivators!"Esteemed Elder, may I ask how the classes of cultivators are divided?" A youth summoned the courage to raise his hand and inquire."Excellent question!" The elder smiled faintly, stroking his beard as he replied, "Cultivators are classified into eight major tiers, and each tier is further subdivided into three stages: early, middle, and late.""It's worth noting that the transition from early to middle to late stages primarily reflects an accumulation of power—a quantitative change. However, advancing to a higher tier represents a qualitative leap. Remember never to challenge a cultivator of a higher tier!""Our ancestors from the Li tribe were a sixth-tier cultivator. It's because of his bloodline that our lineage possesses a higher likelihood of awakening than ordinary people."  The young people listened attentively, with their hearts filled with anticipation for the future.Occasionally, some would cast their gaze toward Dreamer sitting in the front row—the genius girl with A-grade talent, speculating on what heights she might reach someday.When their gazes shifted away from Dreamer, they naturally fell upon Whisper at the back row, staring out the window in a daze.People couldn't help but compare this pair of siblings, as evidenced by their seating arrangements—one seemingly soaring high above, the other rooted firmly below.  "He really is an imbecile. I thought becoming a cultivator would bring about some change, but he's still the same as ever—a complete waste of a C-grade talent!" someone muttered resentfully."Heaven is unfair! My brother works so hard, yet he has no talent and has to go back home to farm. It's infuriating, yet this fool possesses a C-grade talent!""He came to the academy but doesn't study properly; he just stares out the window all day, who knows what goes on in that head of his.""Ah, how could Dreamer have such a brother? He's like dead weight, a useless existence dragging down the overall standard of our entire academy."The whispers of the students caused even the elder to furrow his brow slightly.Initially, the elder had thought that since Whisper knew about participating in Revelation Day and had successfully awakened his abilities, his mental state must have returned to normal.However, after a week had passed, he remained as absent-minded as ever, with a scattered focus, seemingly unable to engage in conversation, and showing no difference from before.The elder had also attempted to talk with him, only to quickly feel exasperated—communicating with someone of such low intellect was indeed impossible.In resignation, the elder moved his seat to the farthest corner, grateful as long as he remained quiet and didn't disturb others."What a pity. Wasting a C-grade talent like this—such a person, even if trained, will likely achieve nothing and merely squander family resources.""Well, considering Dreamer's sake, let him be!" The elder felt deeply disappointed and helpless about Whisper's current state.  Yet, Whisper remained unperturbed by the whispers and criticism around him.Behind his seemingly vacant gaze, he had in fact immersed his mind within his body, already beginning his preparatory cultivation.In his estimation, lectures held no value for him; only the resource rewards offered by the academy could pique his interest."For the past week, I have taught you all many foundational theories about cultivation and ensured that your bodies have adapted to the presence of spiritual energy.""NOW is the time to attempt summoning spiritual energy!" The elder's words sparked an enthusiastic response from the audience."Finally, the day has come! I've been waiting long enough!" A burst of excited cheers erupted from the crowd.For young novices stepping into cultivation, while their strength and reaction speed may be enhanced compared to ordinary people, fundamentally they still remained within the realm of mortals.However, being able to summon and control spiritual energy was truly the threshold to becoming a cultivator, akin to performing divine magic in the eyes of common folk, instantly elevating their status.The elder gestured for everyone to quiet down before asking, "Who can tell me what were the steps for summoning spiritual energy that I previously discussed?"The crowd began whispering among themselves, afraid to answer incorrectly and leave a poor impression.At this moment, Li Victor raised his hand first. With confidence, he replied, "Firstly, one must close their eyes, focus their spirit, sense their breathing rhythm, and under a state of calmness and serenity, silently chant the 'Condense' incantation. This guides oneself into a focused introspective state, attempting to mobilize spiritual energy from the spiritual energy circuits within the body, then condensing it outside.""Very good, Victor's answer is quite accurate." The elder nodded in satisfaction and added,"But let me emphasize that actions, postures, or even vocalizations are merely auxiliary means, designed to help the body enter the appropriate state more quickly. As one becomes increasingly adept at controlling spiritual energy, these steps can gradually be omitted.""So, never reverse priorities, focusing excessively on the standard of posture but neglecting the grasp of the dynamic changes in spiritual energy."Before his voice faded away, a powerful aura suddenly burst forth, like a soft explosion resonating in the hearts of everyone present. The elder was enveloped in a faint white glow that flowed and danced along the contours of his form, akin to a sacred flame clinging to his body, emanating an awe-inspiring presence.  "Is... is this the Elder's spiritual energy? It's truly formidable!" exclaimed one of the students in awe."It's terrifying, more so than facing a ferocious beast!" shared the child from a hunting family, his voice laced with astonishment.With the Elder's personal demonstration, the students grew even more eager. Seven days of theoretical study had left them ravenous for practical application, and now that they finally had the chance, their excitement was beyond words."Huff, huff..."Suddenly, the classroom filled with deep, powerful breaths.Pairs of eyes closed tight, holding their breaths, remaining still..."Condense!"Buzz!!Unexpectedly, a thin layer of luminance emerged from Li Martial in the front row, capturing everyone's attention with an intense aura.His eyes shut tight, his body motionless, only through such stillness could he maintain the faint yet dazzling glow of spiritual energy.Woosh!As he slowly relaxed and opened his eyes, the spiritual energy around him dissipated, indicating he had yet to master maintaining this state for long periods."My goodness, Martial has such incredible aptitude! To succeed at awakening his spiritual energy on his very first attempt!" someone marveled."But I followed the steps too, why didn't I feel anything?" another student pondered, scratching his head in confusion.Inspired by Martial's successful awakening, the students received a shot of adrenaline, each one impatiently trying it out themselves.Buzz!! Buzz!!In no time, several more succeeded, fueling the others' yearning for this mysterious power.Half an hour later, most people had completed their first awakening of spiritual energy, confronting this newfound force emanating from within, they were filled with curiosity."This is amazing! Is this what it feels like to be a cultivator? I feel like I have boundless energy coursing through me; I could punch a hole right through this wall!" exclaimed one student, deeply immersed in the sensation of the cultivator's strength."Haha, of course! We're all geniuses handpicked by the tribe!" boasted another student, pride evident in his tone.  However, some also noticed Whisper in the corner, who had yet to successfully awaken his spiritual energy."Look at that fool Whisper; sure enough, he still can't do it. He's really embarrassing us!" Mocking laughter laced with schadenfreude echoed through the crowd.Some even began speculating, "Could it be that there was a problem with the Revelation Tablet that day? It mistakenly judged his talent, and in reality, he has no awakening ability at all; he's just an ordinary person?""Yes, yes, otherwise, how could a fool like him join our ranks of elites?"This conjecture gained approval from many, as they were now esteemed cultivators holding distinguished positions within the tribe. Naturally, they didn't want any association with someone like Whisper, feeling it brought shame upon them.Among them, Dreamer's emotions were the most complicated. She had thought that after awakening her own talent, she would be free from her brother's influence, but the reality was that the two still attended the same classroom.The sibling relationship between her and Whisper often became the subject of gossip, frequently placing her at the heart of controversies.  "Cough, cough!" Just as the class was about to end, the Elder cleared his throat, interrupting everyone's discussion."It seems everyone has grasped the basics of awakening spiritual energy. Therefore, I will give you your first assignment. Tomorrow afternoon, you will participate in a contest here to test your ability to sustain awakened spiritual energy. The one who lasts the longest will receive a reward of 20 Spirit Stones!"The mention of the Spirit Stone reward instantly ignited the passion among the students.Spirit Stones are rich in spiritual energy and serve as a crucial resource for cultivators to replenish their own spiritual energy. They are indispensable mediums in various rituals and cultivation practices.Given their widespread practicality and high value, Spirit Stones naturally function as a universal currency in this world. Twenty Spirit Stones are almost equivalent to two months' worth of hard-earned income for an average laborer!It's worth noting that common folk usually use fragments of Spirit Stones for daily transactions. A hundred shards are required to piece together a single complete Spirit Stone.  "20 Spirit Stones, I must win them! With that reward, my mother won't have to work so hard anymore!" A burly young man stood up excitedly, clenching his fists as he silently vowed."This is the first competition, and there's no way I can lose to anyone. I need to prove to the tribal chief that his investment in me is worthwhile..." Victor mentally calculated, his eyes revealing a steadfast determination."The opportunity is rare; if I can secure first place, I'll establish myself within the academy. My main competitors are Victor and Dreamer, but the winner will undoubtedly be me. Tonight, my grandfather will personally guide me in my cultivation..."These children, who had grown up amidst hardship from a young age, held a deep understanding of the value of money. Each one was filled with ambition, ready to give it their all.Yet, while everyone else was immersed in the competitive atmosphere, in the neglected corner where Whisper sat staring blankly, he now subtly lifted his head, his deep-set eyes flashing with a hint of disdain.

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