•marriage ceremony•

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Author's Pov

Aniya wakeup you dam ass how much you will sleep wakeup we have to go to the marriage hall the check everything ok or not

Aniya: di please let me sleep naa we will go after sometimes you go get ready I will wakeup in just 5 minutes

Amrita :do I look stupid to you I have been listening this from the past  21yrs now get up or else I'm going to mom she will wake you up

Aniya: yaaaah you can't be serious right okay I woke up look don't go to mom or she will start  lecturing me

Amrita:ok I'm not going to mom go get ready we're already late for the marriage ceremony

Author's Pov

She is Aniya Dhruve A girl who doesn't care about anyone who is only afraid of her mom she's completed her studies and trying to get a job in south Korea
Well because she wanted to meet her Bias one and only KIM NAMJOON she loves him so much as a idol she became an army when she was 18yrs old it's been three years  since she's  trying  make her parents understand  that they should let her to do a job in south Korea and finally in the end they agreed but there is one condition that her sister will also go with her and she don't have any problems with it.

Amrita Dhruve
She is 27yrs old Aniya's older sister
She loves her sister so much that if anyone try to hurt they have to face her first she prayed so much to get a little sister she is also an army they both become an army at the same time
Her bias THE JEON JUNGKOOK  makhne  of the group they both didn't stay without each other's

it's been 2yrs since bts started there military service
Only 1 week left for there come back
I'm so excited yaaaaay we will go to south Korea and will meet them

•Marriage ceremony•

They both are currently in her cousin's room she is getting ready for her marriage

Aniya: wow you are looking so beautiful di jiju is so lucky to have a beautiful soon to be wife

Kanya: I'm nervous do I really look good

Amrita:you are  looking gorgeous
Kanya dont get nervous everything will be ok now lets go everyone is waiting for you

After marriage ceremony

Aniya: I'm exhausted di pls help me to change  my clothes I don't like wearing lehanga because of you I had to wear
My buggy clothes i miss you so much baby I can't live without you

Amrita: who says I cant live without buggy clothes uff

Aniya:what di this is  truth I can't live without my buggy clothes

Amrita: try to wear more traditional clothes you look beautiful

Aniya: are you flirting with me di if yes than let me show you my skills

Amrita :yaah you little girl I'm not flirting with you I know you flirt well but there's no need to show me  go to bed it's late

Aniya:ok di good night than by baby

Amrita: good night baby sleep well I love you so much

Aniya: I love you too di

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Lets meet in the next chapter until than by by

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