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Rm:yn I know who is your bias

Yn:ok tell me his name then

Rm:I'm your bias right

Yn:and how you get that

Rm:you yourself give me hint now don't act like you don't know *smile *

Yn:did I *laugh*


I'm happy after getting know about yn bias name and it's me  why I'm feeling happy after knowing that she said she came there because of me if that's the true then I will ask her what's the reason


Jimin:guys let's have dinner together
I'm going to ask tae you guys tell me and yn ,amrita you both can also join us

Amrita :we will jiminshi

Jimin:tae where are you man aish this boy isn't picking my calls what should I do now should I check  outside ok let's do that

Taehyung what are you doing here and why are looking so pale did you cry

Tae:what are you saying pabo why should I cry it's just I'm standing outside na I think something went  in my eyes

Jimin:like I will believe you I'm your soulmate I know you were crying isn't is

Tae:ok I was crying cuz I'm missing grandma so much

Jimin:grandma must be feeling so proud of you tae  ok now let's go inside everyone is waiting for you we will go restaurant for dinner yn and amrita is also joining us

Tae:ok lets go jiminaaaaah pabo

Rm:where were you tae

Jimin:namjoon hyung let's not talk about this na I'm feeling so hungry let's go before restaurant close



Everyone already in the restaurant
Here only jhope and amrita left her duptta  stuck in hobi's watch

Jhope:why are you panicking amrita this isn't big deal calm down

Amrita:I didn't do intentionally hobi wait let me do this

After struggling for 5 minutes finally she free her duptta from hobi watch

Jin:what took you so long guys come sit

Hobi:nothing jin hyung

Amrita:where should I sit *whisper *

Yn:there's a place beside suga oppa go and sit there

She sat beside suga and accidentally hit his leg

Suga:careful amrita you just hit my leg with your hill*whisper *

Amrita:I'm sorry oppa

Suga:its ok now eat well

Sejin:listen boys after dinner take amrita and yn with you as its already 1am and you guys will stay at dom and there's also have dom for hype worker's  they will stay there from now on

Yn:oppa but we suppose to go there tomorrow na why now *whining*

Sejin:its because its already so late and you cant go hotel at this hrs and don't worry I already told mia  to arrange a room for both of you so all you have to do is go there and sleep

Yn:you are the best oppa I love you*shocked *

Hehe I didn't mean that way ok don't get me wrong

Sejin:I'm not getting wrong yn you like my little sister don't say sorry okay *asking *

Yn:ok sejin oppa


I know he is like her elder brother but still I'm feeling jealous yes I'm jealous because why not I like her

Rm:yn tell me about your  favourite dish

Yn:I don't have any favourite dish but I prefer dal chawal more

Kook: will you make for us someday yn I really wanted to eat that

Yn:ask di she cooks so well

Kook:di who yn and what is the meaning of

Tae:di means elder sister  in India everyone's call there elder sister as di

Jimin:how do you know about it tae

Tae:I read  somewhere jimin now eat food is getting cold*nervous *

*Jimin in mind*

You are hiding something from me you alien what did you thought I will not get I'm just waiting for you to tell by your own or I have my own ways

Kook:can I also call you di

Amrita:yes kook you can but i love to hear noona from you

Kook:ok then I will call you noona only *sad*

Amrita:I don't wanted to make you sad kook hmm I have an idea come here I will only tell you about this come

Kook:ok tell me noona

Amrita:you will call me noona all the time and call me di when you feel sad or low so I can easily feel you what's say hun?

Kook:that's kook idea noona

after dinner everyone left the restaurant come dom

Tae:let me guide you guys

Yn:as you say tae I think I'm getting princess treatment isn't it*playfully hit *

Tae:I can treat you like my queen yn

Yn:yaah I was jocking  now stop or else i will dream about you

Tae:i want you dream about me only *wink*

Yn:from when you become flirty huh

Tae:from the day I saw you

Yn:aish now its enough, here we come now you go they must be waiting for you bye take care

Tae:you too take care yn take care amrita di

Amrita:I think he likes you

Yn:and why you're saying this

Amrita:just by looking his eyes anyone can tell this yn

Yn:its not like that we are friends and that's why he is so friendly with me nothing else now don't think more let's go inside

Amrita:as you say baby, Mia did sejin oppa told you about us

Mia:yes he did let's me show you the room
This is your  room and the next is yn
Now go and rest good night I'm sleepy

Yn:Did prachi  come

Mia:yes she is sleeping already

Amrita:ok baby now go and take rest  I'm also going to sleep as I'm already feeling sleepy I don't have any energy

Yn:ok good night di bye I love you *kissed her cheeks*

Ignore my grammatical mistakes let's meet in the next chapter until then bye bye

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