Chapter 9

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They were here, they were under the fidelus. It had been cast two days ago. And Peter was the secret keeper. He didn't understand. He didn't know. Why? Why? It was nowhere close to when Voldemort would come for them. He was barely one year old.

Why didn't he come sooner? Why wait for 8 months before attacking? Was it the same last time?

Did he again do something that would change things? Did he make a mistake?

He couldn't do anything, anything if things changed.

Things couldn't change, they couldn't. He had to save everyone. There was no other option, there was no one else, he was it.

His panic and overwhelming emotions had set off many accidents and had made even his parents very panicky. They didn't know what was wrong with their son and were scared. His emotions were so frayed that the second both of his parents were out of his line of sight he became inconsolable.

They had even moved his cot into their room as they didn't know what else to do. That was the only way Harry would sleep, but even that was for only a few hours and that too fitfully.

After weeks of this, as February escaped into March, Evangeline finally decided enough was enough. Harry needed to help.

He needed to see that it would be all right. That he would be able to save everyone because he now had help and power.

He now had the means to save them, to save everyone.

That night as Harry slept, the immortal girl slipped into his dreams, the only time when the veil between the human realm and the other realm was thin and almost non-existent for beings such as her and Harry.

She took him to the clearing again. The clearing where he had felt true peace without any worries after his troublesome life.

"Hello Harry." She said smiling softly, her form almost glowing in the sunlit meadow.

"Evangeline?" He asked confused. He was back to his true form, the form he had when he attained his title of Master of Death.

"What's going on?" Harry asked wondering if he was going to meet either of the beings they both were beholden to. "You were breaking down and needed a break." She stated.

"What are you talking about? I am fine." Harry said defensively.

A pitying look came over Evangeline's face which immediately raised Harry's hackles.

"You are not fine. Just listen." She said heading him off when it looked like he was going to protest.

"You are not fine and it is all right. It is okay Harry. Do you understand?"

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, his face confused, but his eyes struggling to hide the emotions that were swirling up in his soul. Evangeline said nothing, just slowly walked to him and hugged him, her bony arms coming around to his back and rubbing it in soothing motions while her voice murmured softly.

"It's okay Harry, it's not your fault. It's not your fault do you understand?"

The softness of the words and the actions finally broke him as he clung to Evangeline, his tears leaving his body through wrecking sobs, his lungs burning with effort yet unable to stop. He cried for Teddy, his lost godson, he cried for Remus, the last link to his parents who had died saving him, he cried for Tonks, for Andromeda, for Dumbledore, for Sirius, for Cedric, for his parents, for his lost innocence, for his childhood spent in a cupboard, for his friends who he knew he would never get back, he wouldn't, couldn't risk them like that ever again. He cried for Ginny, for what could have been. He cried for the Weasleys, for Luna, for Neville, for his friends who he knew would never be that same again, because if he had his way, none of them, none of them would ever be hurt ever again.

He cried in sadness, he cried in relief, he cried in loneliness, he cried in relief, he cried in gratitude. He cried for the burden he was carrying, he cried for his tainted soul.

He cried he cried, and he cried in the arms of the only being who he knew would ever understand him because she had seen all he had done and would see all he had to do and would do it with him.

He didn't know how long it had been, only that at the end, his mind was much more settled and he didn't know when he had slipped into sleep.

As he slept Evangeline slowly placed her hands on his head, at the third eye and directly in the middle of his chest. She closed her eyes and concentrated, a golden glow echoing from he palms as she whispered a few words. Slowly the glow sunk into Harry, a subtle glow lighting up his body before disappearing.

With a triumphant smile, both beings disappeared from the clearing.

The next morning when Harry awoke, he was much calmer. He was worried about his parents but he also knew he could save them, that he wasn't alone, and that all he needed to do now was to make many cherished memories with his parents.

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